Reconstitution Workshops School Governor Service
Reconstitution The DfE has now agreed amendments to regulations and these changes will make it compulsory for all maintained schools to reconstitute before 1 September 2015 (unless they have previously reconstituted under the 2012 regulations).
Opportunity for Reform This can be a fresh start for the governing body with a review of membership and committee structures A focus on the three core functions of the governing body identify the ethos and strategic direction of the school and establish the most effective system for effecting this
What is our track record? Consider the impact of your governing body. Identify significant improvements that you have led, supervised or inspired. By ‘short term’ we mean within the last six months, by ‘long term’ we mean within the last two or three years. Short term: Long Term
Questions for consideration Is the current governing body the correct size to be really effective? Can we operate with the same committee structure if we reduce the number? Do we have trouble filling elected parent positions? Does the current governing body have all the skills needed? Would establishing a federation with another school enable us to be more effective?
Skills Based Eligibility Criteria no matter what constituency governors are recruited from, all governors must govern in the best interest of pupils, and need to have or develop the skills governing bodies need to be effective. The intention is that the proposed changes prompt governing bodies to think more explicitly and more regularly about whether their constitution and membership are fit for purpose.
Reducing numbers From 1 st September 2014, If the new constitution that governing bodies adopt has fewer governors then the number of governors may be reduced firstly by the the resignation of the required number of governors; thereafter: governors appointed under the new constitution will be decided on the basis of their skills rather than last in first out. for Foundation/partnership governors the appointments would be based on a skills based decision from the appointing authority. The governing body would be responsible for resolving any surplus in any other category of governor..
Evaluation Evaluate current governors against expectations and skills-based criteria The current guidance suggests; evidence of impact should be used governors should be encouraged to consider their ability to make the necessary commitment
New Governors In the future all newly appointed governors will need ‘the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school’. This would apply to Foundation, partnership, (appointed) parent and LA governors. This could include specific skills such as an ability to understand data or finances as well as general capabilities such as the capacity and willingness to learn.
Elected Members The skills requirement would not apply to elected parent and staff governors BUT schools and governing bodies should set out for potential candidates what they expect of governors and publish information for the electorate explaining the type of person and skills they ideally require.
Activity Preparing a model instrument of governance Feedback
Assessing skill levels Skills audit Maintaining information on training attended/skills acquired –the new Handbook suggests that the vice chair might be responsible for this Identifying skills needed for new governors by regular reviews of the effectiveness of the governing body
Questions and Evaluations