Mr. Wongs students studying the Amazon River, therefore, their teacher made a special raquest. Mr. wong wants them to watch the special television show at 800 p.m. next thursday. 8th Grade - Week 4
The Amazon River, the second long river in the world, carry one fifth of the world’s river water. “Each second, the Amazon discharjes more than six million cubic feets of water into the Atlantic ocean” said Karl. 8th Grade - Week 4
“The Nile river is longer than the Amazon but the Amazon is wide than the Mississippi river,” perclaimed Meira. What an amazing variety of wildlife the Amazon foster, more than 300 kinds of hummingbirds live near this river. 8th Grade - Week 4
“Is it possible mr. Wong that in prehistaric times Africa and south America may have been joined,” asked Karl. Mr Wong said, “Well the rivers in the two continents did contain similar fish millions of years ago Karl.” 8th Grade - Week 4
Meira told we, “A spanish explorer, Francisco Orellano, visit the river in 1541 and named it.” “He thinked the local warriors were like an Amazons in ancient greek myths,” she added. 8th Grade - Week 4