Dr Lynda Sisson National Clinical Lead June 2016
Setting the Scene Occupational Health Fragmented Unstandardised/Unaccountable Gaps in services Overwhelmed Employee Assistance and Counselling Services (& MH) Fragmented Unstandarised/Unaccountable Gaps in Service Overwhelmed
People Strategy Staff Engagement Leadership and Culture Evidence and Knowledge HR Partnering Learning and Development
National HR Workplace Health & Wellbeing Staff Supports Physiotherapy and Manual Handling Employee Assistance and Counselling Service Occupational Health Staff Safety, Health & Wellbeing Staff Safety and Wellbeing Staff Health and Wellbeing Healthy Ireland
Improvement Framework Drivers for Improvement Staff Survey Staff Engagement Scores Improved Service Levels Safer Better Care Healthy Workplaces Framework Monitoring Improvement Range of Metrics Rolling Accreditation Maintaining Improvement
Five High Impact Changes