Assessment & Accountability Session 3: Content and School Scores
Objectives 1.Understand the components that make up an elementary school score 2.Know the percentage of each of the components that make up an elementary school score. 3.How to calculate an elementary school score
Elementary School Scoring CategoryPercent of School Score Achievement (performance on test) 30% Gap 30% Growth 40% 100%
Achievement Score Performance LevelPoint Translation Novice (N)0 x percentage of students scoring at this level per test taken Apprentice (A)0.5 x percentage of students scoring at this level per test taken Proficient/Distinguished(P/D)1.0 x percentage of students scoring at this level per test taken
5 Estimated Changes in Proficiency READING Percent Proficient or Higher Elem. Middle High MATHEMATICS Percent Proficient or Higher Elem. Middle High 36% met ACT CPE Mathematics Benchmark in 2011 KCCT 2011 State Scores 40% met ACT CPE Reading Benchmark in Estimated Drop in Proficiency Estimated Drop in Proficiency Estimated Drop in Proficiency Estimated Drop in Proficiency Science and social studies data are based on the 2007 Kentucky Core Content for Assessment 4.1, therefore, distributions of proficiency will be similar to the 2011 profile.
Bonus Scoring on Achievement If the percentage of students scoring at the Distinguished (D) performance level is greater than the percentage of Novice (N) performance level, a 0.5 bonus is given per percent of that difference per content area where it is applicable. If %D > %N, then bonus is equal to: (%D - %N) x 0.5 If %D < %N, there are no deductions
Gap Scoring Schools are awarded one (1) point per percentage of students identified in the “Non-Duplicated Gap group” who score at the Proficient (P) or Distinguished (D) level. A Gap Score is calculated for each assessment taken.
Growth Score Schools are awarded one (1) point per percentage of students who make “typical or higher” growth on the assessment. Typical growth means that the student scores at the 40 percentile or higher compared to his/her academic peers. Growth scores are only calculated for the content areas of reading and mathematics. Elementary and Middle School growth is calculated using K-PREP while High School growth is calculated by the PLAN and ACT.
Reading PerformancePercentMultiplierTotal Novice7%00 Apprentice53% Proficient32%132 Distinguished8%18 100%66.5 Note: Since %D > %N, bonus will be added: (8% - 7%) x 0.5 = 0.5 bonus Therefore, the reading achievement score is 67.
Mathematics Note: Since %D < %N, there will be no bonus points added. Therefore, the mathematics achievement score is 63. PerformancePercentMultiplierTotal Novice12%00 Apprentice50%0.525 Proficient33%133 Distinguished5%15 100%63
Science Note: Since %D < %N, there will be no bonus points added. Therefore, the science achievement score is PerformancePercentMultiplierTotal Novice7%00 Apprentice51% Proficient38%138 Distinguished4%14 100%67.5
Social Studies Note: Since %D > %N, bonus will be added (9% - 5%) x 0.5 = 2 Therefore, the social studies achievement score is PerformancePercentMultiplierTotal Novice5%00 Apprentice47% Proficient39%139 Distinguished9%19 100%71.5
Writing Note: Since %D < %N, no bonus will be added. Therefore, the writing achievement score is 70. PerformancePercentMultiplierTotal Novice10%00 Apprentice40%0.520 Proficient41%141 Distinguished9%19 100%70
Achievement Score Content AreaScorePercentTotal Reading 6720%13.4 Mathematics 6320%12.5 Science %13.5 Social Studies %14.7 Writing 7020%14.0 Total 100%68.1 This school’s overall ACHIEVEMENT score is 68.1
Elementary School Category ScoreMultiplierTotal Achievement %20.43 Gap Growth Total Score
Gap Group Content% P/DScoreMultiplierTotal Reading35% Mathematics30% Science32% Social Studies39% Writing37% Total34.6
Elementary School Category ScoreMultiplierTotal Achievement %20.43 Gap %10.38 Growth Total Score
Growth Content Area % with typical growth or higher MultiplierTotal Reading63% Mathematics56%0.528 Total59.5
Elementary School Category ScoreMultiplierTotal Achievement %20.43 Gap %10.38 Growth %23.8 Total Score 54.61
20 Grade Range Achieve -ment GapGrowthCollege/ Career Grad Rate Total Shown as percentages Elem Middle High Weighted Score comes from Achievement, Gap, Growth, College/Career Readiness and Graduation points multiplied by the weights in the chart. Weighted Score Summary comes from adding the weighted scores for each area. 20
What does Kentucky’s new Assessment and Accountability System Look Like? Achievement Gap Growth Overall Score Percentile Rank Distinguished 90th Percentile & higher Proficient 70th - 89th Percentile Needs Improvement Below 70th Percentile OVERALL CATEGORY
Schools of Distinction (95 th Percentile or Higher) High-Performing Schools (90 th – 95 th Percentile) High-Progress Schools (high progress compared to peer schools) Priority Schools (persistently low-achieving – PLA) Focus Schools ( schools that have a non-duplicated gap group score in the bottom 10% or schools with an individual student subgroup with a score in the 3rd standard deviation below the state average for all students) Other Labels Applied to Schools 22
Proficient YES 23
Objectives 1.Understand the components that make up an elementary school score 2.Know the percentage of each of the components that make up an elementary school score 3.How to calculate an elementary school score
PowerPoint available on the Madison County Schools Web page at: