With Contestants From Mrs. Rosimini’s Class $100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300.


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Presentation transcript:

With Contestants From Mrs. Rosimini’s Class

$100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300 $400$400 $500

Cells and Living Things

Plant Parts

Plant Function

Plants and Food


Cells & Living Things Plant Parts Plant Functions Plants and Food Other $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $

CATEGORY 1 - $100 What is the cell’s “power house?” It’s very mighty because it breaks down food.

CATEGORY 1 - $200 What are two parts that plant cells have, but animal cells do not?

CATEGORY 1 - $300 What are all living things made out of?

CATEGORY 1 - $400 When living things make more living things of their own kind, they_______.

CATEGORY 1 - $500 What is the cell’s control center called?

CATEGORY 2 - $100 There are two types of root systems. What are they?

CATEGORY 2 - $200 Where would a plant store its water?

CATEGORY 2 - $300 Most plants do not make food in their roots. However, without the roots, most plants cannot make food. Explain how this is so.

CATEGORY 2 - $400 What is the green material inside the plant called? This material is what makes the plant green.

CATEGORY 2 - $500 What is the root system that branches out and soaks up the most water?

CATEGORY 3 - $100 What is the leaf’s job?

CATEGORY 3 - $200 What do the roots do?

CATEGORY 3 - $300 What is the stem’s job?

CATEGORY 3 - $400 What does the flower do?

CATEGORY 3 - $500 Name two of the four ways a plant can be classified.

CATEGORY 4 - $100 What is photosynthesis?

CATEGORY 4 - $200 In what part of the plant does photosynthesis occur?

CATEGORY 4 - $300 What kind of food does the plant make during photosynthesis?

CATEGORY 4 - $400 What does the plant take in from the air during photosynthesis?

CATEGORY 4 - $500 What does the plant release into the air after photosynthesis has occurred?

CATEGORY 5 - $100 What is an underdeveloped plant sealed in a protective coating called?

CATEGORY 5 - $200 What kind of trees lose their leaves?

CATEGORY 5 - $300 Do all plants have the same kind of stems?

CATEGORY 5 - $400 What is a function that a living thing performs to stay alive and produce more of its own kind?

CATEGORY 5 - $500 Name two life processes that both plants and animals do.

CATEGORY 1 - $100 Mitochondria $

CATEGORY 1 - $200 Cell walls and chloroplasts $

CATEGORY 1 - $300 Cells $

CATEGORY 1 - $400 Reproduce $

CATEGORY 1 - $500 The nucleus $

CATEGORY 2 - $100 Taproots and fibrous roots $

CATEGORY 2 - $200 In its stem $

CATEGORY 2 - $300 They need the roots to soak up the water. Water is needed for photosynthesis to occur. $

CATEGORY 2 - $400 Chlorophyll $

CATEGORY 2 - $500 Fibrous roots $

CATEGORY 3 - $100 The leaf is where food is made. $

CATEGORY 3 - $200 The roots anchor the plant and also soak up water. $

CATEGORY 3 - $300 $ The stem is like a tunnel. It’s the path that allows water and nutrients to reach the leaves. The stem also stores water.

CATEGORY 3 - $400 The flower contains the seeds, which is how the plant reproduces. $

CATEGORY 3 - $500 A plant can be classified according to what kind of roots it has, what kind of stem it has, how they reproduce, or what kind of leaves they have. $

CATEGORY 4 - $100 $ Photosynthesis is how the plant makes food.

CATEGORY 4 - $200 In the leaves $

CATEGORY 4 - $300 Sugar $

CATEGORY 4 - $400 Carbon dioxide $

CATEGORY 4 - $500 $Oxygen

CATEGORY 5 - $100 A seed $

CATEGORY 5 - $200 Broad leaf trees $

CATEGORY 5 - $300 No $

CATEGORY 5 - $400 A life process $

CATEGORY 5 - $500 They grow and develop, release energy, react to surroundings, give off wastes, and reproduce. $

Animal and Plant Cells $

FINAL CATEGORY What is the jellylike material in the cell called? $

The cytoplasm. FINAL CATEGORY $



Contestant 1 Contestant 2 Contestant 3 $ $ $