Final Meeting of the CAPACT project, 4-6 July 2007, Almaty, Kazakhstan M. Krzyzanowski and Kubanychbek Monolbaev WHO Regional Office for Europe EECCA participation.


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Presentation transcript:

Final Meeting of the CAPACT project, 4-6 July 2007, Almaty, Kazakhstan M. Krzyzanowski and Kubanychbek Monolbaev WHO Regional Office for Europe EECCA participation in work on health effects

This presentation: 1.Updated WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2.Data on AQ (PM10) in European Region of WHO 3.Framework Plan for development of PM monitoring in EECCA

WHO AQG - Global update The process Basis: Air Quality Guidelines for Europe, 2nd edition, WHO 2000 Oct – Nov 2004: Steering Group established Jan - Sept 2005: review of the evidence (ca 80 experts involved) October 2005: WG meeting, Bonn (report published Feb 2006) Dec 2005 – June 2006: finalization of background materials (drafts 2-4) 5 October 2006 – WHO press release on AQG WHO editing / printing  published in April all WHO official languages

Passing interim targets on the way towards AQG Exposure Effect AQG IT-2 IT-1

WHO AQG - Global update Particulate matter: annual mean Annual mean level PM 10 (µg/m 3 ) PM 2.5 (µg/m 3 ) Basis for the selected level Interim target-1 (IT-1) 7035Levels associated with about 15% higher long-term mortality than at AQG Interim target-2 (IT-2) 5025Risk of premature mortality decreased by approximately 6% compared to IT1 Interim target-3 (IT-3) 3015Mortality risk reduced by approximately 6% compared to IT2 levels. Air quality guideline (AQG) 2010Lowest levels at which total, CP and LCA mortality have been shown to increase (Pope et al., 2002). The use of PM 2.5 guideline is preferred. AQG 2000: no guideline value

WHO AQG - Global update Particulate matter: 24-h mean 24-hour mean level *) PM 10 (µg/m 3 ) PM 2.5 (µg/m 3 ) Basis for the selected level Interim target-1 (IT-1) 15075About 5% increase of short-term mortality over AQG Interim target-2 (IT-2) 10050About 2.5% increase of short- term mortality over AQG Interim target-3 (IT-3) About 1.2% increase in short- term mortality over AQG Air quality guidelines (AQG) 5025Based on relation between 24- hour and annual PM levels *) 99th percentile (3 days / year) AQG 2000: no guideline value

WHO AQG: Global update: Summary of updated AQG values PollutantAveraging timeAQG value Particulate matter PM 2.5 PM 10 1 year 24 hour (99 th percentile) 1 year 24 hour (99 th percentile) 10 µg/m 3 25 µg/m 3 20 µg/m 3 50 µg/m 3 Ozone, O 3 8 hour, daily maximum*)100 µg/m 3 Nitrogen dioxide, NO 2 1 year 1 hour 40 µg/m µg/m 3 Sulfur dioxide, SO 2 24 hour **) 10 minute 20 µg/m µg/m 3 AQG levels recommended to be achieved everywhere in order to significantly reduce the adverse health effects of pollution *) AQG 2000: 120 μg/m3 **) AQG 2000: 125 μg/m3

Percentage of children living in cities with various PM10 levels, 2004 (or last available year) Note: In several countries the assessment is based on one city only.

Children’s health and the environment in Europe: Environmental data used for exposure assessment Exposure to air pollution  PM10 level > AQG for 90% children in WHO/Euro  No improvement in urban AQ in the current decade  No data on AQ for 43% of population in the Region EUROSTAT structural indicator

Annual mean concentrations of air pollutants monitored in cities of Georgia, 2006 Source : Division of Air Protection, Ministry of Environment of Georgia, 2006 CITY Annual mean concentration μg/m 3 DustSO 2 CONO 2 NOMnO 2 H2SH2S Tbilisi ___ Batumi _112.73__4.136 Kutaisi __ Zesrafoni _ _ Akhalcikhe430.4______ Rustavi__1972.0____

Concentration of “dust” (=TSP) and NO2 in cities of Russian Federation, Mean = 244 μg/m3 No. of cities 2002/3/4 = 57 / 98 / 92 Population (million) = 30 / 45 / 40 Mean = 79 μg/m3 No. of cities 2002/3/4 = 70/ 111 / 105 Population (million) = 34 / 47 / 45 Source: Federal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Moscow

Emission of pollutants from mobile sources, Georgia, YEARS Tonnes x 1000 TOTALNOXVOC’sCOSO2SOOTCO Source : Division of Air Protection, Ministry of Environment of Georgia, 2006

Projected PM emissions in Europe, Source: IIASA EU15 EU10Non-EU CLE: current legislation; MTFR: Maximum technically feasible reductions No effective policies leading to PM reduction in Non-EU

Why PM data needed? To inform the public and policy makers about the magnitude of health risk of air pollution in a local population; To stimulate various stakeholders to initiate pollution reduction; To plan actions reducing air pollution; To evaluate effectiveness of the actions.

Framework Plan for development of monitoring of PM in EECCA English: Russian:

WHO Framework Plan for development of PM monitoring in EECCA A general strategy and technical action plan, WHO/Euro 2006): – Summarizes principles of PM10 and PM2.5 monitoring; – Presents practical guidelines on essential steps to be taken in a country initiating PM monitoring; – Provides timetable and organizational framework for program implementation; – Considers the cost-effectiveness of the system and its operation in countries with limited financial resources and limited expertise.

Framework for establishing PM monitoring in EECCA Framework Plan National Plan Pilot Project National monitoring system

WHO Framework Plan for development of PM monitoring in EECCA: Pilot project in Tirana, ALB June 06: Assessment of local needs / capacities / programs September 06:Workshop with all stakeholders to agree on the local actions May 07:Initiation of PM monitoring Sept 07: (Planned) assessment Additional activity: preparations for NO2 mapping (passive monitoring of NO2; survey of traffic intensity)

Conclusions WHO AQG provide challenging targets for air pollution control Available AQ data from EECCA indicate urgent need to reduce air pollution Reduction of health risks: focus on primary PM, PM precursors and NOx Policy development must address the health impacts of air pollution  Air pollution monitoring (PM10 & PM 2.5 !!)  Identification of sources / emissions  AQ improvement plans: from interim targets  AQG