“The cask of amontillado” By edgar allan poe
setting Setting: the place and time that a story takes place The setting of this story is in Italy, during the early 1800s. More specifically, the story takes place during carnival season, at night in the Montresor family catacombs.
Protagonist and Antagonist Protagonist: main character, often hero of the story The Protagonist of “The Cask of Amontillado” is Montresor. Even though he is not a hero, he is still the main character. Antagonist: character against the protagonist, often villain of the story The antagonist of “The Cask of Amontillado” is Fortunato. Even though fortunato is the victim in the story, He is against the protagonist.
Conflict Conflict: struggle between opposing forces The struggle that exists in “The Cask of Amontillado” is Man versus Man because it is Montresor against Fortunato.
Plot Points Exposition: introduces the characters, background, and setting Introduced to Montresor, who tells us that he wants to get revenge on Fortunato. Learn that fortunato’s weakness is his pride. Rising action: events which lead to the climax of the story Montresor lures Fortunato into his catacombs by saying he has some amontillado that he wants Luchesi to taste. As They walk through the catacombs, Fortunato coughs often and Montresor keeps suggesting that they turn around.
Plot Points Climax: the highest point of action in the story; the turning point in the story Montresor suddenly Chains Fortunato UP in a Crypt. Falling action: events in the story that lead to the end of the conflict Montresor Begins walling up the entrance to the crypt. Fortunato realizes what is happening and tries to stop Montresor, but to no avail. Denouement/Resolution: the end of the conflict Montresor finishes walling off the crypt’s entrance, which will result in Fortunato’s death.
Flat and Round Characters Flat Characters: only a few things are known about flat characters Round Characters: many characteristics are known about round characters Both Montresor and Fortunato are Round characters in “The Cask of amontillado.”
Static and Dynamic Characters Dynamic Characters: change during the course of the plot Static Characters: don’t change during the course of the plot Both Montresor and Fortunato are Static Characters in “The Cask of Amontillado.”
Narration and Point of view Narrator: the "voice" that speaks or tells a story Montresor is the Narrator. Unreliable narrator: a storyteller who fails to see the connections between events in the story, or isn’t completely truthful He Doesn’t explain the “insult” He Might have pangs of conscience The Point of View used is First Person. we only know Montresor’s thoughts because he is telling the story.
Mood and Tone Mood: the atmosphere of a literary work intended to evoke a certain emotion or feeling from the reader The Mood of “The Cask of Amontillado” is Suspenseful, dread, and anxiety. Tone: the attitude a writer takes toward the reader, a subject, or character The Tone of “The Cask of Amontillado” is eerie, creepy, and disturbing.
Irony: fortunato’s name His name is ironic because he is not fortunate in his interactions with Montresor, which lead to his death. His death is the opposite of what we might expect for someone whose name implies good luck or fortune.
Alliteration Alliteration: the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close to one another, typically occurs at the beginning of words Describing the mold: “The white web-work which gleams from these cavern walls” The “W” Sound is repeated.
Foreshadowing Foreshadowing: hints or clues of events that have yet to occur. The following are strong examples of foreshadowing from the story: The descent into the catacombs and references to the skeletons. Montresor calls himself a mason and shows fortunato his trowel. The Montresor family motto is “no one attacks me with impunity.” These examples of foreshadowing are clues that he is planning something horrible for fortunato.
symbolism Symbol: a person, place, or thing used to represent something else. Montresor’s coat of arms symbolizes his revenge against Fortunato’s insult. Fortunato = Foot Montresor = Snake Fortunato’s Clown costume symbolizes his foolishness.
Theme Theme: central idea of a piece of literature, sometimes called the moral of the story, or the lesson One Theme of “the Cask of Amontillado” is that revenge will consume you.
SUMMARIZER: Graphic Organizer INSTRUCTIONS: Finish working on your graphic organizer from the previous class. By doing so, you will be determining and analyzing how poe utilizes verbal irony throughout “The Cask of Amontillado.”
Gothic literature Gothic literature is designed to thrill readers by providing mystery and blood-curdling accounts of villainy, murder, and the supernatural. the conventions of gothic literature include ancient buildings, a gloomy atmosphere, darkness, death, decay, and madness.
SUMMARIZER: Coat of Arms INSTRUCTIONS: The various gothic elements of “The Cask of Amontillado” are a part of Poe’s development of the story’s suspenseful mood and eerie tone. Create a new coat of arms for the Montresor family. Instead of the image of the foot crushing the snake who bites back, use a gothic image from the story; in other words, an image in the story that signifies darkness, decay, death, madness, gloom, etc. To the Right of the new coat of arms, explain how Poe’s use of Gothic images helps to develop the story’s suspenseful mood and eerie tone.