Species Imagination ECOSYSTEM CREATION
The Task Students will create an imaginary ecosystem. Interrelationships will be described for all species that inhabit the ecosystem and their physical environment. Students will then imagine an altercation in their ecosystem and describe how species are impacted. Students must then develop a plan for the return of a healthy ecosystem. Students will then present to the class using their software of choice.
1 st Step-Create a Species Name Description Drawing Special features Range and Population size Human usefulness Location Biotic factors Trophic level Nutritional requirements Abiotic factors Temperature, Seasons, Humidity, Precipitation Wind, Soil type, other surface conditions
2 nd Step – Create the Ecosystem Location and Description Biotic and Abiotic factors Sensitivity to environmental issues Additional Species Name Descriptions Range and Population size Must include 1 species for each group Producer, Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, Tertiary Consumer, and Decomposer Food Chain/Webs Your species Major species listed (think of the above trophic level classification) Competition Predator/Prey relationship Battle for similar necessities
3 rd Step – The Altercation After describing your healthy ecosystem, a disturbance will occur. May be: Spontaneous or Man-made Intentional or Unintentional Combination Ideas but not limited to: Climate change: warming, cooling, water availability Direct human interference: hunting/harvesting, land clearing, pesticides/herbicides, introduction of foreign species, etc.
4 th Step – The Effect Identify the disturbances on the species in the ecosystem. Focus on your species and those highlighted in the trophic levels The following are effect descriptions that may be used. Extinct Endangered Threatened No expected change Increased Conditions associated with species endangerment Limited Range -only a small specific area Small Population/Rarity -rare within its’ range High Specificity -very specific requirements (food, reproduction, habitat, etc.) High Sensitivity -extremely vulnerable to environmental stresses Low Fecundity -low birth rate High Human Value
5 th Step – The Plan What can be done to fix the altercation to the ecosystem? Make sure to look at all species involved (your species/trophic level) Ideas for assistance: Prevention Population control Pesticides/Herbicides/Fungicides Predator/Prey relationship
6 th Step – The Presentation Software choice and style flexible Must cover all topics No slide restrictions, time length
The Example (albeit brief) Species Producer-Norse Sea Lily Large population Found in reservoirs Autotroph Eaten by: Go Fish, Ship Worm Sensitivity: needs minerals and light Consumer-Go Fish Moderate population Found in Reservoirs Eats Norse Sea Lily and other plants Eaten by: Vikings Sensitivity to chemicals Decomposer-Ship Worm Large population Found in reservoirs Eats dead organic matter Sensitivity to not much Ecosystem The Valley—includes a reservoir, forest, 10 sq. miles Many populations Etc. Altercation Introduction of pregnant Lily Weevel Eats immature Norse Sea Lily fruit Reproduction uses a main food source as well Impact on Species Norse Sea Lily-Endangered Fruit eaten before seeds are formed, kill their only pollinator Human predation Go Fish- Threatened Ship Worm- No change Plan Population control though pesticides and an introduction of a predator such as Leaping Lizards