Believing in God Religious Upbringing READY FOR QUIZ &
Big Picture Today we focus on Religious Upbringing and focus on the religion Christianity. Understanding, Worksheet, Compare to other religions, exam question
Outcomes All will take part in a quiz on the keywords. All must know why religious upbringing causes Christians to believe in God Most should compare and contrast the Christian upbringing to their own. Few will be able to evaluate why religious upbringing leads to a belief in God
Religious Upbringing What do we mean by religious upbringing? Read the testimony of John peter who is 12 and as a class let us discuss religious upbringing in different religions
Why do people believe in God My parents are Christian. I was baptised in a church when I was 8 months, then I received my name. I go to mass with them every Sunday. On Wednesday I go to the catechism where I learn about the Christian faith and the Bible. I had my First Communion yesterday and I know my three main prayers: the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the creed. I celebrate festivals like Easter and Christmas
Why do people believe in God
Religious upbringing Baby I go to I know My parents ChristianityMy religion Got me to church Got baptised Catechism The creed And…
Mind Map Why can religious upbringing lead to a belief in God? Religious Upbringing = Belief in God
Key Question: What Makes People Believe In God? Answer: Religious Upbringing Explain how a religious upbringing can lead to belief in God (8)
AO1 The main reasons from a Christian upbringing are: Christian parents teach their children to pray, praying to God will make children believe he exists Christian parents take their children to church where they will hear all about God existing and so believe he does Christian parents will send their children to Sunday school where they will hear all about God existing and so believe he does many Christian parents send their children to a church school where they will hear all about God existing and so believe he does Christian parents encourage their children to be confirmed where they may feel the presence of God in the prayers, vows and anointing
Level Little understanding of the issue shown, typically by: giving a brief reason not explaining but only describing the issue. The answer is likely to be in basic English. The skills needed to produce effective writing will not normally be present. The writing may have some coherence and will be generally comprehensible, but lack both clarity and organisation. High incidence of syntactical and/or spelling errors. Level Basic understanding of the issue is shown typically by: using two brief reasons or a developed reason. The candidate is likely to express understanding with a limited command of English and little use of specialist vocabulary. The range of skills needed to produce effective writing is likely to be limited. There are likely to be passages which lack clarity and proper organisation. Frequent syntactical and/or spelling errors are likely to be present. Level A more developed understanding of the issue is shown typically by: using three brief reasons or a fully developed reason or two reasons with one developed. The candidate is likely to express understanding in a clear style of English and some use of specialist vocabulary. The candidate will demonstrate most of the skills needed to produce effective extended writing but there will be lapses in organisation. Some syntactical and/or spelling errors are likely to be present. Level A clear understanding of the issue is shown typically by: using four brief reasons or two developed reasons or three reasons with one developed or a comprehensive explanation using one reason only. The candidate is likely to express understanding in a clear and correct style of English with a correct use of specialist vocabulary where appropriate. The skills needed to produce convincing extended writing in place. Good organisation and clarity. Very few syntactical and/or spelling errors may be found. Excellent organisation and planning.
Review In your books write a sentence to explain these pictures WHAT AND WHY What do we mean by Religious Upbringing? Do you think religious upbringing is a main reason for why people believe in God?
What and Why?