Thursday 26 March 2015 NHS Wales Communications Study Day Andrew Cooper, Communications Manager, 1000 Lives Improvement
Welcome About 1000 Lives Improvement NHS Wales Communications Study Days Networking Developing skills Shared expertise Learning and growing together Please tweet - #1000lives NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Developing competencies Core skills Campaign and marketing skills Press and media skills Digital skills Internal communication skills CIPR – 10 CPD points for today NHS Wales Communications Study Day
What’s the one thing you’d like to achieve today? What would make today a success for you? NHS Wales Communications Study Day
NHS Wales Awards 166 entries with 24 finalists across eight categories. Hywel Dda had the most finalists with six, followed by Aneurin Bevan with five and ABM with four. Projects included: supporting patients with dementia, improving diabetes care and developing a mobile app for people with autism NHS Wales Communications Study Day
NHS Wales Awards Over to you... All submissions can be written up into internal stories – or for your local press. Continue to celebrate your short-listed entries. Start getting ready for the NHS Wales Awards Ceremony 9 July How could your local recognition events feed into the process for next year’s NHS Wales Awards? NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Improving Quality Together Launched March 2013 Now, over 12,000 members of staff have completed the Bronze level. Over 1,000 staff have received silver training, with 200 projects in development. The language for improvement in NHS Wales. NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Improving Quality Together Over to you... Organisations now have responsibility for their staff completing the bronze level. How can we help you? National story around 12,000 Local stories Created content – video, graphics, etc. Connect with your HR/OD team NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Prudent healthcare Online resource providing an overview to prudent healthcare: Contributions from members of your organisation. Could you include their chapters in your internal comms: –Essay –Video –Infographics –#prudenthealthcare NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Annual Quality Statements Work starts on year three! AQS Workshop on 16 June in Cardiff. The all-Wales Annual Quality Statement. Development of shareable material for local AQS documents. NHS Wales Communications Study Day
International Forum, London April 2015 Who’s attending from your organisation? Template story about your staff attending and sharing work on an international platform. NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Professional development framework “A framework for professional development to support our communications teams to consistently develop their skills and expertise, expand the credibility and impact of our communications, and help us to deliver the best and highest quality care for patients and the people of Wales.” NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Journey so far... Dec 2014: Heads of Comms approve steps for to explore possibilities for a professional development framework. Dec: Plans shared at NHS Wales Comms Study Day for input. Jan 2015: Draft paper produced for discussion over issues related to professional development in NHS Wales comms. Feb: Steering Group met to discuss first draft of paper. Feb: Meetings with Heads of Comms took place to discuss issues raised by the paper and wider needs of their teams. Mar: Approval for an action plan to develop the framework to be sought from Heads of Comms. Mar: Update communications colleagues at NHS Wales Comms Study Day. NHS Wales Communications Study Day
8 actions 1.Develop a standard set of job descriptions, in order to provide an understanding of the role of communications professionals across NHS Wales and support future recruitment. 2.Develop a standard approach to appraisals – supported by shared opportunities for individuals to develop skills through the provision of training and support from communications colleagues across NHS Wales. 3.Develop an annual programme of NHS Wales’ Communications Study Days, and master classes for Heads of Communications in order to provide best learning, sharing and training. NHS Wales Communications Study Day
4.Co-ordinate a programme of placements and mentoring opportunities for NHS Wales’ communications staff. 5.Develop a specific focus on the need to develop staff skills in the area of digital communications. 6.Create/curate an online hub to share good practice and become the ‘go-to’ place for communications colleagues to access helpful and applicable support and resources. 7.Encourage NHS Wales’ communications teams to celebrate their achievements through award submissions and wider sharing with colleagues. 8.Build the PR/communications profession within NHS Wales. NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Measures for success By end of 2016: 50% of all communications staff will take personal responsibility for their professional development, through participation in a CPD-based scheme. Mentoring and secondment between organisations will form a natural aspect of development and used by all teams. All communication teams within NHS Wales will enter at least one piece of work for a professional award each year (NHS Wales Awards, CIPR). 50% of all communications professionals in NHS Wales will be members of a professional body. 50% of all Band 7 and above roles will have gained, or be actively working towards professional accreditation. NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Next steps Assign actions to Heads of Communications to develop and deliver, supported by 1000 Lives Improvement. Prioritise actions. Regular updates to Heads of Communications and NHS Wales Study Days. NHS Wales Communications Study Day
Questions Is there anything missing? Are there any of the actions that you’d like to be involved in developing? Are there any concerns from the actions and measures outlined? How do you think this will help you personally in your job – but also your career? NHS Wales Communications Study Day