Ancient Greece and Rome Lesson 2 - Athens
Objectives Understand aspects of Athenian democracy, such as the Assembly, ostracism, the boule, public and private law and the strategoi. Describe rights of citizens, women, slaves, and metics. Recognize the importance of education to the Athenians.
Population and Map Approximately 14,000. The most populous city-state.
Athenian Democracy Assembly : passed laws, levied taxes and voted on issues of war and peace. Voted by show of hands. Ostracism votes scratched on a piece of pottery called ostrakon. Boule : 500 members, decided which issues needed to be brought to the Assembly.
The Legal System Athenian juries could sit as many as 501 citizens. Strategoi generals directed the army.
Limits of Athenian Democracy To Qualify as a Citizen …male, 18 or older, not a slave, the son of 2 Athenian parents.
Social Structure top were aristocrats, middle ranks were small farmers; lowest class was the thetes. Slaves were lowest class, but less harshly treated than in most other Greek cities. Metics: artisans, craftsmen, merchants. Honorary citizenship
Allies and Military Allies = Delian League Military = Strong Navy
Athenian Education Athenians were taught logic, reading, arithmetic, and music. Also given 2 years of military instruction and many years of physical ed. Expected to exercise in a Gymnasium. Overall, Athenian education was formed to produce solid citizens and well rounded individuals.
NO ACTIVITY Complete the ATHENS side on your Blue Graphic Organizer