You Can Charge for Phone Support Calls Effortlessly Brought to you by Have you ever watched your technical support team on the phone taking phone call after phone call? You know profits are disappearing down that phone line to never be seen again. The only way to turn the tide is to charge for phone support calls as they occur, not trying to remember the details later. You might be surprised to discover the majority of your clients actually expect to receive a charge for tech support when they call in. They assume your professional staff is the equivalent of their attorney or CPA and when they want detailed advice it will charged. The problem comes down to systems. Your technical support staff will only be as efficient at capturing those dollars as the tools your provide them with. Look to the Legal Sector to Discover Efficient Billing Systems Walk into any top attorney’s office and watch their call handling system. It will shock you. The moment the call comes in the receptionist routes the call to the appropriate person, after making sure they have all the appropriate billing information. As the call moves between different people the billing rates can vary, but every minute is captured and billed. While you may not desire to go to quite the same extreme when you charge for tech support, the tools need to be similar. You need to have a system where calls are funneled to the support team after there is an opportunity to capture billing information. When a client prefers to not pay for a call they can be routed to the appropriate dispatcher to arrange for onsite service or other arrangements. charge for tech support
Efficiency in Call Handling Increases Profits The second portion of increasing profits from your technical support group is becoming more efficient. Commonly clients all in and request to speak to a technician, but if their technical support engineer is not available they are only offered a chance to leave a message. What if you had a system which allowed your support team to login and accept incoming calls when they were available? Then when the call comes in it does not head to a single individual, but goes to your team. An available support member answers the phone, resolves the problem, and the billing is done. You have higher client satisfaction and less chance of losing income opportunities. Implementing these systems by using only the memory of your dispatcher or receptionist is very difficult. The ideal method is to have a system which integrates a call system and billing platform in one which allows automatic call transfers. You can reduce the workload of your dispatcher and increase customer response at the same time. Lost Revenue Never Comes Back Think about how many opportunities you have missed for profits over the last year. Those opportunities are gone forever. The only way to change the equation is to use a system which creates an efficient way to charge for tech support phone calls and requests. You do not want to be looking back a year from now wondering whether you could have been more profitable or not. It is time to stop watching the profits slip away and learn how you can charge for phone support efficiently starting now.charge for phone support