Welcome to 3 rd grade Curriculum Night Welcome to 3 rd grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Adkins Website: Phone:
Third Graders... Take responsibility for themselves and their learning. Take responsibility for themselves and their learning. –Complete assignments, AR Log, Planners Learn to become more independent. Learn to become more independent. Become critical thinkers. Become critical thinkers. –Create ways to solve problems Develop Problem Solving skills. Develop Problem Solving skills. Monitor their learning with data. Monitor their learning with data.
Third Graders... Apply reading comprehension skills to all their reading. Apply reading comprehension skills to all their reading. Read to learn. Read to learn. Master math facts. Master math facts. Have fun learning! Have fun learning! Develop a love for learning! Develop a love for learning!
Responsibilities Students Come to school everyday. Come to school everyday. Follow the SOAR Expectations. Follow the SOAR Expectations. Complete all of the assignments. Complete all of the assignments. Read daily. Read daily. Check the class website. Check the class website. Ask questions. Ask questions. Always do their best! Always do their best!Parents/Guardians Ensure that your child comes to school on time daily. Ensure that your child comes to school on time daily. Encourage your child to follow the SOAR Expectations. Encourage your child to follow the SOAR Expectations. Monitor your child’s Homework. Monitor your child’s Homework. Visit the class website weekly. Visit the class website weekly. Open communication with the teacher. Open communication with the teacher.
Written Homework Assigned Daily Assigned Daily Math- daily Timed math facts fluency Concept practice Grammar – once a week Spelling –once a week Reading comprehension of fluency passage - daily Science or Social Studies – as needed Posted on website Posted on website Review of skills taught in class Review of skills taught in class Checked for completion Checked for completion Discussed and reviewed in class the next day Discussed and reviewed in class the next day
Non - Written Homework AR Reading AR Reading –30 minutes Fluency Practice Fluency Practice Study Spelling words to prepare for the weekly tests Study Spelling words to prepare for the weekly tests Study vocabulary words Study vocabulary words Planner signed by parent/guardian Planner signed by parent/guardian
New this year Reading and Language Arts are now combined into one grade/subject English Language Arts (ELA). Reading and Language Arts are now combined into one grade/subject English Language Arts (ELA). AR is 25% of the ELA grade. AR is 25% of the ELA grade. New ELA textbook (Reading Street) New ELA textbook (Reading Street) Assessments are more complex and rigorous Assessments are more complex and rigorous New Math textbook (Go Math!) New Math textbook (Go Math!) Common Core (more in depth- explain why!, written responses) Common Core (more in depth- explain why!, written responses)
Grades ELA ELA –65% District Concept Tests and District Writing Tasks –25% AR –Percent of goal met, Average test score and Average Book Level –10% Spelling, Grammar & Reading Skills Math Math –65% District Big Idea Tests and Chapter Tests –35% Math facts and quizzes
A.R. Individual levels and goals based on STAR test Students read books on their levels in both Fiction and Non-Fiction and in different genres (fantasy, realistic fiction, mystery, biography) Students read in class and at home Students maintain a reading log in class and a daily record in their planner (next to the dot) Students take tests on books read Books are not used to test with! Levels are changed based on performance Students graph weekly performance AR progress is recorded in AR log and can be monitored from home.
MonthAugSeptOctNovDec 90% A % B
Data Collection Data Collection Students track their progress in: Students track their progress in: English Language Arts English Language Arts –AR, Concept Tests, Benchmark Skills Tests Math Math –Math facts, Chapter Tests, Big Idea Tests Behavior Behavior Class goals and individual goals are set each quarter. Students track their individual progress in their Data Binders. Class goals and individual goals are set each quarter. Students track their individual progress in their Data Binders.
Student Behavior Classroom rules and expectations are reviewed and discussed daily and as situations arise. Classroom rules and expectations are reviewed and discussed daily and as situations arise. Green = Great Day! Yellow = Warning Pink = Think Time (Behavior Reflection Sheet & private discussion) Blue = Sent to another class for written reflection and phone call home An office referral will be given if a student has no cards left in their pocket or for physically inappropriate behavior (fighting, hitting, etc.). An office referral will be given if a student has no cards left in their pocket or for physically inappropriate behavior (fighting, hitting, etc.). Students record daily behavior in Planner Students record daily behavior in Planner Behavior discussion should take place. Behavior discussion should take place. –What did you do? –Why did you do it? –What do you need to do better next time? –How will you do better?
Weekly Personal Development Progress Report In planner In planner Areas of concern for behavior (yellow days and pink days) Areas of concern for behavior (yellow days and pink days) Assignment completion (homework, AR performance, classwork) Assignment completion (homework, AR performance, classwork) Sent home before interim reports or report cards Sent home before interim reports or report cards
Daily Schedule 7:30-7:55 Morning Work & Breakfast 7:30-7:55 Morning Work & Breakfast 7:55-8:15 Morning Math Meeting 7:55-8:15 Morning Math Meeting 8:15-9:00 Whole group English Language Arts 8:15-9:00 Whole group English Language Arts 9:00-10:00 Small groups/Literacy Centers 9:00-10:00 Small groups/Literacy Centers 10:00-10:20 AR 10:00-10:20 AR 10:20-10:40 Whole group ELA 10:20-10:40 Whole group ELA 10:40-11:10 Science/Social Studies 10:40-11:10 Science/Social Studies 11:14-11:39 Lunch 11:14-11:39 Lunch 11:40-1:10 Math (Whole group, small group, centers) 11:40-1:10 Math (Whole group, small group, centers) 1:10-1:20 Review time 1:10-1:20 Review time 1:20-2:00 Specials 1:20-2:00 Specials 2:10 Dismissal 2:10 Dismissal
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