Welcome to FLORIDA ASSESSMENT NIGHT New State Standards: School Year
THE BIG CHANGE.. From the Next Generation State Standards to Florida Standards (Common Core) From the F.C.A.T. to Florida Standard Assessment Teachers have been gradually introducing the Florida Standards (Common Core) for the past 3 years.
The Florida Standards Why Are We Changing? Emphasize success for future college readiness Provide more rigorous content and application of knowledge Place emphasis on critical and analytical thinking Establish clear, consistent guidelines for instruction throughout the state. Students must be better prepared to compete in the global job market with a skill set and knowledge base that is changing as new technologies and careers evolve. These standards will drive this change.
The Florida Standards What Subjects Are Included? The new Florida Standards will address; MAFS - Mathematics LAFS- English Language Arts Other subject areas (Science, Social Sciences) will continue under the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards The Standards will define what students should know and be able to do at each grade level – kindergarten through grade 12
What Do They Mean For Teaching and Learning? LAFS Building knowledge through content- rich non-fiction text Use of literary and informational text as a basis for reading, writing, and speaking Regular practice with complex text & academic language Reading, writing, listening and speaking grounded in evidence from text Real-world applications MAFS Deeper understanding of mathematical concepts Builds habits of mind of productive mathematical thinkers Real-world applications Modeling with pictures technology, graphs, manipulatives
The Florida Standards What About the New Assessments? MAFS and LAFS will be assessed with the new Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Test will be March 23–April 10, 2015 Elementary school assessments will include: –English Language Arts (ELA): grades 3- 5 –Mathematics: grades 3- 5
FSA Testing Dates and Information 3 rd grade English Language Arts Paper Based March 23 to April 10 2 sessions- 80 minutes each Mathematics Paper Based March 23 to April 10 2 sessions- 80 minutes each
Third Grade Requirements Students will be timed when completing the FSA. The assessment will include both multiple choice and open ended questions. Students will be required to write and give evidence when answering open ended questions. They will be encouraged to summarize or paraphrase the reading material provided.
Third Grade Requirements If a student’s reading deficiency is not remedied by the end of third grade, as demonstrated by scoring at level 2 on the FSA in reading for grade 3 the student must be retained. Good Cause Exemptions Portfolio- Administered during the 2 nd semester All 3 rd grade students will complete portfolio Administered in a span of several weeks. Students will complete one passage each week. Is the 2 nd opportunity for a student to be promoted to grade 4 Student must demonstrate mastery of each benchmark ASRA- Administered the last 2 weeks of school Participants –Students scoring a level 1 –Students without a passing reading portfolio Represents the 3 rd opportunity within the school year prior to retention
3 rd grade Reading Sample Question
How are we Preparing ? Our reading series correlates with the standards in which the students will be assessed on. Our weekly assessments expose the students to the types of questions they will see on the FSA: –Multiple choice –Open ended questions. Two Interims are administered throughout the year that are aligned with the Common Core Standards. These interims will be administered in the Fall and Winter.
The Florida Standards How May I Help My Child? Read different types of books and informational text with your child Ask your child to find answers to questions in the text of books, newspaper articles, manuals, etc. Encourage your child to form and defend an opinion by supporting it with facts, details and reasons from text Discuss mathematics ideas with your child have them explain these to you using pictures, graphs, etc. Visit the Florida Standards Assessment online portal at: to become familiar with the new assessments.