Water and Health Pit Latrines and Water Pumps
Appropriate technology Diseases associated with contaminated water are preventable if 1.Water supplies are improved 2.Health education is prevalent 3.Sewage disposal is made safe But it is essential that the technology used to promote or improve this is appropriate to a developing country.
Pit Latrines Built using low cost materials - mud walls and thatch roofs A hole in the ground is used to squat over and the sewage falls into an excavated pit in the ground No water is used and the sewage is contained in the pit without it contaminating drinking water supplies
Water Pumps Water pumps should be low cost, low maintenance and low technology Locals should be equipped and trained to fix pumps easily if required low-tech-design-solution-for-water- collection-in-south-africa/6266.htmlhttp:// low-tech-design-solution-for-water- collection-in-south-africa/6266.html