WARM UP “Your future occupation depends on your present education.” 1. Where are you going to college? 2. What are some careers you think you might like to have? 3. Do the schools you want to go to allow you to prepare for the careers you listed?
Matter and Atomic Theory Chem II
Types of Matter Elements Characteristics Atomic Theory (John Dalton): Pure substance Definite properties and proportions Cannot be broken down Atomic Theory (John Dalton): #1: Made of atoms (Democritus) #2: Made entirely of a certain, unique atom
Types of Matter Compounds Characteristics Atomic Theory: Pure substance Can be broken down Atomic Theory: #3: Made of atoms of more than one element #4: Can be broken down into elements or changed, but the atoms can’t be destroyed
Types of Matter Mixtures Properties and proportions can vary Homogeneous or heterogeneous Separated by physical properties
Physical Properties Mass, density Melting / boiling point (state of matter) Solids: fixed atoms Liquids: flowing atoms Gases: freely moving atoms
Chemical Properties Describe reactions Rust Flammability, reactivity
WRAP UP Compare and contrast elements, compounds, and mixtures – use a Venn diagram.
WARM UP List 2 examples of elements. List 3 examples of compounds. List 4 examples of mixtures.
WRAP UP Compare and contrast physical and chemical properties – use a Venn diagram.