Welcome to EP299 Unit 3 Seminar Reflective Learning Looking back and going forward
Agenda Unit 3 Outcomes Unit 3 Assignments Unit 3 Project Unit 3 Topics
Unit 3 Outcomes Compose a personal educational philosophy Illustrate how to be a reflective learner Write a reflection on an artifact based on paraprofessional roles including professional standards, legal issues, ethical practices, and appropriate interpersonal and management skills EP (standards, ethics) Did you save the Tonya project?
Reflecting on Your Education Please share an example from your education that influenced you as a learner. How did this guide you in your education? //Think about a specific memory that you can share. How does this memory impact your belief about education?
Personal Educational Philosophy For this project, you will have the opportunity to reflect and write your personal educational philosophy. Your 1-2 page personal educational philosophy should be written using APA format and should include the following: Identify the characteristics you value in an educated person. Discuss how you have developed these characteristics during your education at KU. Discuss why these specific characteristics are important to you, and discuss any additional education or skills you would like to pursue.
Personal Educational Philosophy You should use the template provided for your project. Be sure to delete any text in red and replace with your own work. While you are encouraged to integrate material from the course readings and discussions, make sure to paraphrase (don’t copy word-for-word!) and provide the sources for your content. Your paper should be 1-2 pages long, typed, double-spaced, and in a 12-point font size (Arial or Times New Roman). You must include a title and reference page but this does not count in the 1-2 page guidelines.
“Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.” Ernest Dimnet Ernest Dimnet “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” John Dewey “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” William Butler Yeats John Dewey William Butler Yeats “They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Carol Buchner “A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.” Eliphas Levi “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin “The greatest sign of a success for a teacher…is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’” Maria Montessori Review these statements. Which one best represents Your beliefs about education? Why?
In what specific ways have you grown through your work here at Kaplan? (in other words, how has your education developed?) (You will identify these and give examples in your paper) Ex: 1. developed skills in written communication
//What do we mean by reflective learning?
Reflecting on Your Education //What characteristics do you value in an educated person?
Reflecting on Your Education What additional education or skills would you like to pursue or in what ways to you want to grow in your education? (You will address this in your paper.)
Unit 3 Discussion Board— Write a reflection connected to one of your Documented Learning Experiences (a former project) Please choose an artifact from your prior coursework that demonstrates respect for professional standards, legal issues, ethical practices, and appropriate interpersonal and management skills. Next, write a reflection on the artifact using this unit’s reading for guidance, and post it to the discussion. When responding to classmates, give specific feedback on what the student did well, and any constructive feedback for improvement. Your reflection must be at least 300 words for this discussion thread.
Course Outcomes Practiced EP299-5: Demonstrate an understanding of paraprofessional roles including professional standards, legal issues, ethical practices and appropriate interpersonal and management skills (Discussion Board response) This discussion board reflection serves as one of your 6 reflections needed in your final project. Former Projects that you can use: EP100 Unit 6 Project EP100 Unit 9 Project EP101 Unit 9 Project EP114 Unit 9 Project EP240 Unit 2 Project This is one of your documented learning experiences that will provide evidence for one of the 6 Course Outcomes. The reflection you write this week on the discussion board will be a piece of your final portfolio. Unit 3 DB Work
Now, write a 300 word reflection. It will include: A description of the Project. Explain what you did. (brief paragraph) Discuss what you learned from the activity and how it connects to the standard(s) you have chosen. Be specific and provide examples. Describe any improvements you could make after reflecting on your learning activity. Are there ways to develop your work so that it more effectively addresses the standard(s) you have chosen? What might you add? Proofread your work: you should have no spelling or grammar errors. As you think about your former projects and how they show your judgment in terms of respect for professional standards, legal issues, ethical practices and appropriate interpersonal and management skills, it will be very helpful to review the document on ethical standards I have posted on the DB. This document describes ethical standards that connect to your professional work. Take a look at how you might demonstrate any of these standards. What does ethical behavior actually look like? You can showcase what you know by discussing a former project. Think about how you connect one or more of these standards to a former project. Look at your project and go deeper in your thinking to connect ethical standards to what you did. Unit 3 Discussion Board—Reflection!
Ethical Responsibilities (possible standards—full document on DB) Engage only in instructional and non-instructional activities for which you are qualified or trained. Refer concerns expressed by parents, children and youth or others to your supervising teacher or other designated supervisory personnel. Recognize that the supervisor has the ultimate responsibility for instruction and management and follow the prescribed directions. Maintain confidentiality about all personal information and educational records concerning children, youth and their families. Relationships with Children and Youth and Parents Discuss a child’s progress, limitations and/or educational program only with the supervising teacher or support staff professional in an appropriate setting. Discuss school problems and confidential matters only with appropriate personnel. Respect the dignity, privacy and individuality of all children and youth, parents and staff members. Be a positive role model. Guide to Effective Paraeducator Practices, NEA, 2007 Be sure to see the full document of Ethical Responsibilities found in my Tips on the Discussion Board this week. How does the Project you selected reflect one or more of the ethical responsibilities on this document?
Visit the following website. Bring back one idea that you learn about reflective learning. This term you will reflect on your prior learning by reviewing projects from previous courses. //Why is a rear view mirror a good analogy for this process?
//How does looking back help you to move forward?
//What questions do you have about your philosophy paper, your reflection or tonight’s seminar? Thank you for attending! I will see you in class this week! ~Beth