Biology Instructors: DeDe Gray Drew Mallas Textbook: Holt, Texas Biology
Required Materials: Pen and pencil Notebook paper 1 large Spiral notebook 1 folder with pockets and brads 1 large box of Kleenex 1 set colored pencils or markers
Class rules: The teachers will abide by and enforce all school and district rules to the best of his/her knowledge. 1.Respect me and respect other students. 2.No talking when I’m talking. 3. Be prepared with spiral notebook and pen because we work everyday!
Conduct: 2 times –A lowered to a B 4 times –B lowered to a C 7 times –C lowered to a D 9 times- D lowered to an F
Homework: Homework is considered extra practice, not punishment. Homework assignments emphasizing important concepts from the lecture and lab will be assigned and graded. These homework assignments will be collected, and will serve as the basis for the material in the quizzes. I will not accept late work. No exceptions!
Other procedures: Papers without proper heading will be trashed. Make sure you have your name, date, class and period on your paper. Students should keep their books covered at all times. Keep all returned papers so you will have no doubts what your grade will be. If a grade did not get recorded, you will have the paper to verify you did the paper. If no paper, no grade will be received. All missed work must be made up in three class periods. Worked turned in after that point will not be graded.
Grading policy: Lab 30% Test 30% Notes 20% Daily 20%
Topics of Study: Topic 1: Lab safety, scientific method, Basic concepts of Biology Chapter 1: Biology and you5-25 Topic 2: Ecology Chapter 15: Populations Chapter 16: Ecosystems Chapter 17: Biological Communities Chapter 18: The Environment Topic 3: Cytology Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life27-47 Chapter 3: Cell Structures49-71 Chapter 4: Cells and Their Environment73-91 Chapter 5: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Chapter 6: Chromosomes and Cell Reproduction Chapter 7: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Topics: Topic 4: Genetics Chapter 8: Mendel and Heredity Chapter 9: DNA: The Genetic Material Chapter 10:How Proteins Are Made Chapter 11: Gene Technology Topic 5: Evolution Chapter 12: History of Life on Earth Chapter 13: The Theory of Evolution Topic 6: Microbiology Chapter 14: Classification of Organisms Chapter 19: Introduction to the Kingdom of Life
Topics: Topic 7: Human Biology Chapter 37: Introduction to Body Structure Topic 8: Botany Chapter 23: Introduction to Plants Topic 9: Invertebrates Chapter 27: Introduction to Animals Topic 10: Vertebrates Chapter 32: Introduction to Vertebrates
Teaching Philosophy: “My belief is that as young adults, you are responsible for your own behavior. For you to succeed in this class, you must accept the responsibility for self directed learning. I am a facilitator of information and I will help you as best I can, but ultimately the responsibility lies with you. I can lead the horse to water, but I cannot make it drink. Your responsibility is to “DRINK”. I believe the best learning environment is a relaxed, interactive environment. Feedback from you is vitally important. If I receive no comments or questions, I must assume you understand the topic being studied. If you are struggling, ask questions.”