Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Monitoring Agenda Item 4
DSG Overview The overall monitoring position by block is set out below and the details of variances within each of the blocks is provided in Appendix A – Monitoring Forecast for this agenda item Now the monitoring has been updated in the key demand led areas additional areas are forecast to underspend in both the early years and the high needs blocks. It is proposed that at the January 2015 Forum meeting a discussion takes place regarding how much of the under spends should be earmarked for future pressures in the high needs area.
DSG Figures in £mLatest forecast Previous forecast MovementComments on movements Schools block(1.24)(1.22)(0.02)Minor movement Early years block(2.11)(0.61)(1.5) Revised EYSFF projections. Over £2m of this under spend is for the 2 year old EYSFF. This is one-off for only as funding is currently place based. The DSG funding for 2 year olds in will change to participation and will be based on actual numbers. High Needs block (0.77)Various updated high needs variances TOTAL(2.56)(0.27)(2.29)
DSG Overview Figures in £mLatest forecast EarmarkedUtilise for Schools one off funding Balance monitoring(2.56)00 Schools block carry-fwd (1.6)0.50 Pupil Growth onwards 1.10 Early years block carry-fwd (0.56)0.56 converted to capital 00 High needs block carry-fwd (1.3)1.3 High Needs pressures 00 TOTAL(6.02) (2.56)