Chorley South Ribble Democracy Week Event 2009 Steph English Senior Young People’s Worker Thursday 15 th October 2009 Chorley Town Hall
Aims 1.Increase young people’s awareness of democratic process 2.Offer an opportunity for young people to meet elected members. 3.Allow young people to contribute to debates about issues that affect them. 4.Allow elected members and young people to build positive relationships.
Contribution to National Indicators Hear by right NI110 Young People Participating in Positive Activities NI50 Emotional Health of Young People NI54 Services for disabled Children and Young People BVPI 221b Accredited Outcomes PSA 14 Increase numbers of young people on the road to success PSA 15 Address Disadvantage PSA 21 Build more positive, cohesive, empowered and active communities ECM Positive contribution Hear By Right
Lead Up All young people’s workers in the locality supported young people to complete a short questionnaire of their views on 3 issues. Over 700 young people responded. 340 From Chorley You can contribute to Democracy Week 12 th - 18 th Oct 2009 Please fill in this slip and be entered into a prize draw for an IPod Shuffle. The Voting age should be lowered from 18 to 16Agree/Disagree Young people are described fairly in the pressAgree/Disagree Buses should be free until young people are 18Agree/Disagree NameDate of Birth Post CodeTel:
RESULTS 91% of young people felt that buses should be free until you are % believed voting age should be lowered to % thought they were not portrayed fairly in the press.
On The Night…. 62 young people attended Various elected members, council officers and young people’s workers attended. Cllr Perks, the Cabinet Member for Young People Introduced the evening Katie and Owen our Members of Youth Parliament spoke about their roles and the difference they make.
On the night…. Youth Groups that had received Youth Opportunities and Capital funding gave testimony to the impact the funding had made on their young people’s lives. The participation team described the process that’s taking place now for electing new District Youth Councils and MYPs. Everyone present debated and discussed a number of issues.
Issues Discussed Shadowing Elected Members How to change the negative views that people have of both politicians and young people. How young people can be more involved in decision making – especially with regard to the provision of resources and activities for young people.
Pledges Everyone present had the chance to make a pledge about how they would help to get young people more involved in the democratic process. Some of the pledges made are in your hand outs.
The Future is Now Elections have just taken place in schools to appoint a new District Youth Council, thus widening participation and representation. On Wednesday 17 th February Chorley’s next Member of Youth Parliament will be appointed.
Thanks For Listening “I Can’t wait for Democracy Week 2010!”