Bushcraft information evening What we shall cover: General information about the centre Sample timetable of activities Departure and arrival details How you will be kept informed during the trip Kit list
We have: One camp Two tribes 3 tents
Dates Monday 13 th June –Wednesday 15 th June. Meet in the hall at 8:30 am on Monday Return to school at 5 pm Wednesday Mrs Kendall will telephone the school as they leave Bushcraft on Wednesday to confirm the arrival time. The expected time of arrival back at school is approximately 5pm. Please make sure you have your mobile phone with you and switched on that day as we will contact you by text, if the coach is delayed. Our contact list is taken from the office so if you have recently changed your details please let us know this evening. Look out for Twitter updates!
Kit list
Few simple rules: No electronic devices e.g ipods, ipads, cameras, mobiles No hairdryers No hair products e.g hair gels, sprays etc No snacks/sweets Bring along packs of cards/top trumps, pads of paper & pens, reading books There is not a lot of time for free play MUST have a cuddly toy!
Medications If your child needs any medication whilst we are away, please ensure it is clearly labelled with their name and dosage required and handed to Mrs Wing on Monday morning with a signed consent form. Take home today 3 forms: Kit list General letter of information Medical consent form
Any Questions?