1 Gameplan Session Map
GAME PLANNING SESSION MENTALITY 2 Your mentality shapes your reality. Approaching this business with the right thought process will makes all the difference in your success. Your mentality shapes your reality. Approaching this business with the right thought process will makes all the difference in your success. The strategy that you use will determine the results that you create The strategy that you use will determine the results that you create STRATEGY WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 95% of people in the industry are occupied with school, a job, or a career on a full-time basis. We recommend working the business like you would work your job, because its something you are already conditioned to do despite how you may feel about doing it. That’s commitment - doing what you said you would do, long after the feeling in which you said it has passed. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 95% of people in the industry are occupied with school, a job, or a career on a full-time basis. We recommend working the business like you would work your job, because its something you are already conditioned to do despite how you may feel about doing it. That’s commitment - doing what you said you would do, long after the feeling in which you said it has passed. 2 MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS WHEN STARTING YOUR BUSINESS The purpose of the GPS is to help the newest person begin developing the right mentality, and implementing the right strategy, that will place them on the path to success & ultimately direct them from where they are now, to where they want to go. After all, that’s the purpose of a GPS right? To direct you from where you are now to where you want to go. The purpose of the GPS is to help the newest person begin developing the right mentality, and implementing the right strategy, that will place them on the path to success & ultimately direct them from where they are now, to where they want to go. After all, that’s the purpose of a GPS right? To direct you from where you are now to where you want to go. THIS PROCESS SHOULD BE COMPLETED WITHIN A NEW PARTNER’S FIRST 72 HOURS IN THE BUSINESS!
GAME PLANNING SESSION 1. Why are you getting started? 3 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The purpose is to determine what matters most to them and make it important to you. Personalizing their purpose helps to serve and support them better. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The purpose is to determine what matters most to them and make it important to you. Personalizing their purpose helps to serve and support them better. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Most will say FAST. At that point you will need to set the proper time-line based on their answer to question number one. SHOW THEM HOW TO GO 1K within their first 30 Days. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Most will say FAST. At that point you will need to set the proper time-line based on their answer to question number one. SHOW THEM HOW TO GO 1K within their first 30 Days. 2. Do you want to earn income slow or fast ? 3. If I worked with you personally, what type of income would you want to earn, after 90 days? 3. If I worked with you personally, what type of income would you want to earn, after 90 days? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 90 days sets the expectation that it won’t happen over night. Ask for a realistic number based on what they are personally accustomed to earning in their current profession. Each income bracket has a certain mindset and influence associated with it. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 90 days sets the expectation that it won’t happen over night. Ask for a realistic number based on what they are personally accustomed to earning in their current profession. Each income bracket has a certain mindset and influence associated with it. QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR NEWEST PARTNER
MEMORY JOGGER People In Your Life…… Relatives Parents Grandparents Brothers Sisters Aunts Uncles Cousins Best Friends Workout Partners Hairdresser Co-workers Doctor Attorney Mechanic People In Your Life…… Relatives Parents Grandparents Brothers Sisters Aunts Uncles Cousins Best Friends Workout Partners Hairdresser Co-workers Doctor Attorney Mechanic Who Is Your… Doctor Dentist Optometrist Dry Cleaner Barber Supervisor Pharmacist Chiropractor Dietitian Pediatrician Neighbor Coach Fitness Trainer Who Is Your… Doctor Dentist Optometrist Dry Cleaner Barber Supervisor Pharmacist Chiropractor Dietitian Pediatrician Neighbor Coach Fitness Trainer Who do you know that….. Is very popular You went to high school with You went to college with Is the life of the party Is looking for a new profession Is on your social media pages Is in a high profile job Runs a local restaurant Works with cosmetics or hair Is active in your church Do you respect a great deal Has influence with others Is considered a leader Has a positive mental attitude Is very coachable Is a prominent business owner Is successful in their current career Recently had children Already takes nutritional supplements Are your parents friends Wants more out of life Is from your old job Teaches your children Has a booming business Is a fashion model Is health conscious Wants to lose weight Is active in local politics Is a working student Works in medicine or healthcare Works with people Works in sales Who do you know that….. Is very popular You went to high school with You went to college with Is the life of the party Is looking for a new profession Is on your social media pages Is in a high profile job Runs a local restaurant Works with cosmetics or hair Is active in your church Do you respect a great deal Has influence with others Is considered a leader Has a positive mental attitude Is very coachable Is a prominent business owner Is successful in their current career Recently had children Already takes nutritional supplements Are your parents friends Wants more out of life Is from your old job Teaches your children Has a booming business Is a fashion model Is health conscious Wants to lose weight Is active in local politics Is a working student Works in medicine or healthcare Works with people Works in sales 4 4. To earn (income from #3) are you willing to put together a list of 100 people that we can expose our vision and vehicle to just like we’ve done with you? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Most people will answer YES. At that point, help them put Together a list of VIPS, and take 5-10 minutes to do a MEMORY JOGGER with them. It is your responsibility to share with them & help them do what is required to achieve their goal. ” WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Most people will answer YES. At that point, help them put Together a list of VIPS, and take 5-10 minutes to do a MEMORY JOGGER with them. It is your responsibility to share with them & help them do what is required to achieve their goal. ”
5 5. Are you willing to invest 8-10 hours per week building the business to earn (income from #3)? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The goal is to set the proper expectation of the time they’d need to commit. Whether they work the business part-time or full-time… time is still required. The hours will be flexible around their schedule. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The goal is to set the proper expectation of the time they’d need to commit. Whether they work the business part-time or full-time… time is still required. The hours will be flexible around their schedule. 6. If I choose to assist you with earning (income from #3), would you be willing to set up 4 1-hour mixers or sessions within the next 30 days? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Launch calls, mixers, 2-on-1s – what you call them isn’t as important as their purpose. The purpose of these sessions is to create the newest person a paycheck and help them develop their success story as quickly as possible. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Launch calls, mixers, 2-on-1s – what you call them isn’t as important as their purpose. The purpose of these sessions is to create the newest person a paycheck and help them develop their success story as quickly as possible.
BOOK THE CALENDAR Determine the least busy day of the week for them, and book that day each week to complete their four sessions. 6 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: It is important to do their first mixer, small meeting, or exposure within their first 7 days in the business — preferably within the first 72 hours. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: It is important to do their first mixer, small meeting, or exposure within their first 7 days in the business — preferably within the first 72 hours. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: The longer you wait the greater the decrease in participation rate. Don’t force anyone, lead them. Work with the willing. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: The longer you wait the greater the decrease in participation rate. Don’t force anyone, lead them. Work with the willing. 7. When would be the best day for me to help you start working towards that (income from #3) and start putting some extra income in your pocket?
7 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Showing the newest person how to reach 1K, the first position in the company is crucial. The goal is to create awareness of what is required to reach the desired destination. If they don’t know the path to the destination, they can’t be expected to reach it. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Showing the newest person how to reach 1K, the first position in the company is crucial. The goal is to create awareness of what is required to reach the desired destination. If they don’t know the path to the destination, they can’t be expected to reach it.
LEARN HOW TO INVITE DO’s and DON’Ts for Inviting DO CALL as often as possible. Makes your invitation quick & simple. Texting, ing and social media invites are impersonal, ineffective and unprofessional; for best results avoid those DO Show enthusiasm! Excitement is CAUGHT not TAUGHT. If you don’t sound excited about what you have to offer, your prospect won’t be excited either. DO Be in a hurry. This creates urgency & your prospect won’t be able to ask you questions. To keep a sense of urgency & importance we recommend inviting hours in advance of your mixer or meeting. DO Show Value. DON’T explain. Invitation is not explanation. Less is more. MANAGING EXPECTATIONS It’s a Numbers Game 20% of the people who say “Yes” to attending will show. If you have 5 people confirmed to attend, 1 will show up. If you want 5 people there, you would need to have 15 confirm their attendance by saying “Yes”. Work the numbers to get the results you desire. MANAGING EXPECTATIONS It’s a Numbers Game 20% of the people who say “Yes” to attending will show. If you have 5 people confirmed to attend, 1 will show up. If you want 5 people there, you would need to have 15 confirm their attendance by saying “Yes”. Work the numbers to get the results you desire. WORDS & PHRASES TO AVOID 1. OPPORTUNITY 2. JOIN THIS NEW BUSINESS 3. SHARING START UP COST 4. MEETING 5. PRESENTATION 6. SEMINAR 7. UPLINE 8. SPEAKER 9. MLM 10. NETWORK MARKETING 11. THIS THING THAT I’M DOING WORDS & PHRASES TO AVOID 1. OPPORTUNITY 2. JOIN THIS NEW BUSINESS 3. SHARING START UP COST 4. MEETING 5. PRESENTATION 6. SEMINAR 7. UPLINE 8. SPEAKER 9. MLM 10. NETWORK MARKETING 11. THIS THING THAT I’M DOING 8
INVITE INVITING TO A MIXER INTRO: Small talk. Ask how they are doing, and if this is a good time to talk. CLEAR THEIR SCHEDULE: (Name) what’s your availability (Day) around (Time)? BLOCK OUT TIME: Block out about an hour for me at (Time). I have a concept I want to run by you. IF THEY ASK WHAT ITS ABOUT: Well I know I haven’t had a chance to tell you this yet, but I’m actually in the process of launching a major project with a couple of very successful friends of mine, and if nothing else, I’d like for you to see what I’m doing, but more importantly why I’m doing it and I would love your honest feedback about the concept. Can I count on you, (Date) at (Time)? GIVE LOCATION INFORMATION & GET OFF OF THE PHONE! INVITING TO A LUNCH OR COFFEE MEETING CLEAR THEIR SCHEDULE “(Name) what’s your availability (Day) around (Time)?” (Stop talking and listen to what they say) Use one of the three “Million Dollar Lines.” “Let’s get coffee.” “Let’s get lunch.” Or “Let’s get together!” Follow up with “I have a concept I want to run by you & I would love your honest feedback about it!” CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT & GET OFF OF THE PHONE! INVITING TO A LUNCH OR COFFEE MEETING CLEAR THEIR SCHEDULE “(Name) what’s your availability (Day) around (Time)?” (Stop talking and listen to what they say) Use one of the three “Million Dollar Lines.” “Let’s get coffee.” “Let’s get lunch.” Or “Let’s get together!” Follow up with “I have a concept I want to run by you & I would love your honest feedback about it!” CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT & GET OFF OF THE PHONE! HANDLING OBJECTIONS WHAT IS IT? TELL ME MORE I would love to (Name), but its so important I don’t want to discuss over the phone. It’s best if you experience it in person. IS IT NETWORK MARKETING? Are you looking for network marketing? No: Great then you need to meet with us. Yes: Great then you need to meet with us. IS IT ONE OF THOSE THINGS? What things? I’VE HEARD ABOUT ONE OF THOSE THINGS BEFORE. Things like what (Name)? Because I’ve never talked to you about building it for your last name. HANDLING OBJECTIONS WHAT IS IT? TELL ME MORE I would love to (Name), but its so important I don’t want to discuss over the phone. It’s best if you experience it in person. IS IT NETWORK MARKETING? Are you looking for network marketing? No: Great then you need to meet with us. Yes: Great then you need to meet with us. IS IT ONE OF THOSE THINGS? What things? I’VE HEARD ABOUT ONE OF THOSE THINGS BEFORE. Things like what (Name)? Because I’ve never talked to you about building it for your last name. 9
CUSTOMER SCRIPT YOU: Small talk. Ask how they are doing, and if this is a good time to talk YOU: The reason for my call is I need your help! THEM : Sure! How can I help? YOU: I recently started my new company, and we have 5 lines of amazing all-natural products. YOU: I need you to be one of my first product testers to help me build a portfolio of product testimonials! YOU: You'd order some product, test it for the next days and give me your feedback. YOU: Now before you say YES, once you've tried the product for 30 days, if you like it I can show you how to get a 1-month supply for free. If you don't I'll never ask you to order anything from my company ever again. YOU: I can count on you right? THEM: I'd love to help. What do you have, and how much does it cost? YOU: We have a few different product lines: Wellness, healthy Energy, Hair & Skincare, Anti-aging, and Fitness. Which relates most to you? * LISTEN for their response* Whichever response you receive, walk them through all of the products in the product line! Outline the benefits of MANGOSTEEN and why this product is a healthier alternative! Once they have made a selection, collect their information & process an order! WHO TO CALL FIRST FAMILY & CLOSE FRIENDS The best people to call first are typically family, close friends. Imagine opening up your own restaurant! Who do you know that would be willing to support you by showing up to the Grand Opening and ordering a plate of food? These are typically the people that will be willing to support your business. THOSE WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM THE PRODUCTS Who do you know that is already consuming products like these? Juice, fitness, weight management, cosmetic, or anti- aging? If they are already consuming similar products, wouldn’t they be happy to make the switch and allow you to be their new supplier? WHO TO CALL FIRST FAMILY & CLOSE FRIENDS The best people to call first are typically family, close friends. Imagine opening up your own restaurant! Who do you know that would be willing to support you by showing up to the Grand Opening and ordering a plate of food? These are typically the people that will be willing to support your business. THOSE WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM THE PRODUCTS Who do you know that is already consuming products like these? Juice, fitness, weight management, cosmetic, or anti- aging? If they are already consuming similar products, wouldn’t they be happy to make the switch and allow you to be their new supplier? HANDLING OBJECTIONS WHAT IS IT? TELL ME MORE I would love to (Name), but its so important I don’t want to discuss over the phone. It’s best if you experience it in person. IS IT NETWORK MARKETING? Are you looking for network marketing? No: Awesome! Then you’ll love these products. Yes: Awesome! Then you’ll love these products IS IT ONE OF THOSE THINGS? What things? I’VE HEARD ABOUT ONE OF THOSE THINGS BEFORE. Things like what (Name)? Because this is the first time I’ve spoken with you about my company or my products! HANDLING OBJECTIONS WHAT IS IT? TELL ME MORE I would love to (Name), but its so important I don’t want to discuss over the phone. It’s best if you experience it in person. IS IT NETWORK MARKETING? Are you looking for network marketing? No: Awesome! Then you’ll love these products. Yes: Awesome! Then you’ll love these products IS IT ONE OF THOSE THINGS? What things? I’VE HEARD ABOUT ONE OF THOSE THINGS BEFORE. Things like what (Name)? Because this is the first time I’ve spoken with you about my company or my products! 10
11 8. If I work with you personally, would you be willing to invest 15 – 30 minutes per day to grow and develop your mindset by listening to, or reading, Personal Development? 8. If I work with you personally, would you be willing to invest 15 – 30 minutes per day to grow and develop your mindset by listening to, or reading, Personal Development? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Success, income, and happiness meets you where you are at. It is a reflection of who you are as a person. In order to grow in these areas, growth as a person—in your mindset—will lead to growth in our life. the best way to fast track the newest person’s success is by helping them grow as a person, and introducing them to P.D. After all, if they were already the person that they needed to be to acquire their dream life, they’d already be living it. P.D. protects the newest person’s mindset from negative influences, and helps them develop a winning thought process. Without it, building the business will be an uphill battle! WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Success, income, and happiness meets you where you are at. It is a reflection of who you are as a person. In order to grow in these areas, growth as a person—in your mindset—will lead to growth in our life. the best way to fast track the newest person’s success is by helping them grow as a person, and introducing them to P.D. After all, if they were already the person that they needed to be to acquire their dream life, they’d already be living it. P.D. protects the newest person’s mindset from negative influences, and helps them develop a winning thought process. Without it, building the business will be an uphill battle!