Overview Of Autoflame
Schedule Overview of Autoflame products – MM Controls: Mk8 & Mini Mk8 – Exhaust Gas Analyser (EGA) – Data Transfer Interface (DTI)
Comprehensiveness Ease of use Versatility Touchscreen Easy to upgrade Quality Modern It just works
Complete Burner Control Complete Boiler Control
Multi-touch capacitive Mini Mk8 MMMk8 MM 7” 12.1” Single-touch resistive
VS. More modern More intuitive More control More customizable Comparable price
Firetube Watertube Low-Nox
Comparison Mini Mk8 MM ControllerMk8 MM Controller Flame safeguard ✓✓ Air/fuel ratio control ✓✓ IBS/lead-lag sequencing ✓✓ Scheduling ✓✓ Commissioning ✓✓ VSD management ✓✓ Reporting/graphing ✓✓
Comparison Feature Mini Mk8 MM Controller Mk8 MM Controller Dual fuel support ✓✓ Air pressure monitoring & proving ✓✓ Oil pressure monitoring & proving- ✓ Fuel flow metering ✓✓ Commissioning points (not including Open, Closed, FGR & Golden Start) 20 Customisable graphics ✓✓ Flame rod/UV change over option ✓ Dual IR and/or UV Multi language displayEnglish (UK) English (US) Chinese German Spanish Polish Turkish (More coming) English (UK) English (US) Chinese German Spanish Turkish Polish (More coming)
Comparison Feature Mini Mk8 MM Controller Mk8 MM Controller FGR (Flue Gas Recirculation) ✓✓ Channels3 servos/1 VSD4 servos/2 VSD (5th servo via software access code) Lockout loggingMost recent 64 lockouts Most recent 128 lockouts Error loggingMost recent 64 errors Most recent 128 errors Number of fuel curves24 VPS (Gas Valve Proving) ✓✓ Outside temperature ✓✓ Login security ✓✓ Back up commissioning data via IR port ✓✓ Boiler log entries1000
Internal flame safeguard control
Mk8 MM: Manage up to 5 servomotor & 2 VSD channels
Gas and Air Sensors for additional safety
Autoflame designed PID
Mini Mk8 Options & Parameters Options and Parameters now display detailed information instead of a reference code number Grouping of options and parameters
Mini Mk8 System Log Reasoning for burner not firing has now been added to the MM A log has been created to record the reason for stat start/stops Up to 1,000 logs recorded onto SD card
Comparison Feature Mini Mk8 MM Controller Mk8 MM Controller Multi-burner synchronisation on a single boiler-Up to ten burners 1 master, 9 slaves Conditional fault response Download Manager for viewing & troubleshooting MM configuration & performance through a PC Advanced graphing & table interface Self-diagnostics for identifying electrical and temperature changes to the MM - ✓ UL/CE/AGA approvals ✓✓ On-board technical manual ✓✓
Up to ten burners: 1 master, 9 slaves Burner Master Slaves
Conditional fault response Burner Master Slaves If one burner has a fault, others may continue or disable depending on configuration
Easily unlock these features with a software access code Mk8 MM ONLY
Comparison Feature Mini Mk8 MM Controller Mk7 MM Controller Mk8 MM Controller Fully metered, cross-limited combustion control - Unlock with software access code First out annunciation-Requires Expansion BoardUnlock with software access code O2 trimRequires O2 Module 3 parameter (O2, CO2, CO) trimRequires EGA Emissions monitoring & reportingRequires EGA
Benefits of Software Unlock No hardware changes Easier/faster to upgrade Pay for only what you need No waiting for Expansion board to ship Add more features as budget allows No more additional PCB
MM Controls: Bottom Line Control burner operations Simple touchscreen interface Reduce emissions Fuel savings Mini Mk8 Mk8 Everything Mini Mk8 offers Water levels, draft control, TDS, bottom blowdown, steam flow metering, multiple burners + more Larger screen
View an interactive demo at Autoflame.com
Custom-Built Control Panels Seamless integration Complete quality control Faster installation of a single finished unit
Mk8 Exhaust Gas Analyser 2 years of exhaust and fuel consumption data
Mk8 EGA New Features Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) with Auditing function is now standard New STANDARD
C.E.M.S. Auditing Function Screenshots STANDARD
C.E.M.S. Auditing Function Screenshots STANDARD
C.E.M.S. Auditing Function Screenshots STANDARD
C.E.M.S. Auditing Function Screenshots STANDARD
This system will be a fraction of the cost of competing automated monitoring systems Much lower cost in the long-term vs hiring an emissions monitoring service
Enables 3 parameter trim
O2 trim: Monitors oxygen content in stack. What if there’s a leak in the stack? EGA allows monitoring of trim based on O2, CO2 & CO. More accurate representation of combustion.