0 Ion Beam Facilities at KOMAC 2014. 11. 13. Chan Young Lee on behalf of KOMAC 2014. 11. 13. Chan Young Lee on behalf of KOMAC ICABU2014, November 12~14,


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Presentation transcript:

0 Ion Beam Facilities at KOMAC Chan Young Lee on behalf of KOMAC Chan Young Lee on behalf of KOMAC ICABU2014, November 12~14, 2014, DaeJeon, KOREA

1 Contents I.Ion Beam Facilities at KOMAC II.Upgrade of Ion Beam Facilities III.Future Plan IV.Summary I.Ion Beam Facilities at KOMAC II.Upgrade of Ion Beam Facilities III.Future Plan IV.Summary

2 I.Ion Beam Facilities at KOMAC

3 Metal Ion BeamGaseous Ion BeamDual Ion Beam Metal Ion Beam Gaseous Ion Beam Dual Ion Beam Development stage Daejeon User promotion stage branch Practical application stage Metal Ion BeamGaseous Ion BeamHigh Current Ion Beam Beam service opening Improvement of operation stability Increase of beam energy Metal ion beam service Beam service opening Improvement of operation stability Increase of beam energy Metal ion beam service Beam service & R&D activity Various metal ion beam Ion beam etching Radiation license Beam service & R&D activity Various metal ion beam Ion beam etching Radiation license History of Ion Beam facilities

4 High Current Ion Beam Facility (2003)  Beam Energy : ~22keV/~60mA  Available Ions : N, Ar, Xe etc.  Irradiation Area : 10cm x 5cm High Current Ion Beam Facility (2003)  Beam Energy : ~22keV/~60mA  Available Ions : N, Ar, Xe etc.  Irradiation Area : 10cm x 5cm Metal Ion Beam Facility (1995)  Beam Energy : 20~100keV/~2mA  Available Ions : Cu +, Cr +, Fe +, Co +  Irradiation Area : 10cm x 10cm Metal Ion Beam Facility (1995)  Beam Energy : 20~100keV/~2mA  Available Ions : Cu +, Cr +, Fe +, Co +  Irradiation Area : 10cm x 10cm Gaseous Ion Beam Facility (1989)  Beam Energy : 20~120keV/~5mA  Available Ions : H, D, He, N, Ar, Xe, Kr etc.  Irradiation Area : 10cm x 10cm Gaseous Ion Beam Facility (1989)  Beam Energy : 20~120keV/~5mA  Available Ions : H, D, He, N, Ar, Xe, Kr etc.  Irradiation Area : 10cm x 10cm Current Status of Ion Beam Service [User statistics] [Beam services] Industry (47.3%) University (23.4%) Institute (29.2%)

5 User demands ◎ Higher energy for deep implantation. ◎ Large irradiation area with high uniformity for large size samples. ◎ Dose control with high reliability. More ion species Higher quality ion beam

6 II.Upgrade of Ion Beam Facilities

7 Gaseous Ion Beam Facility Upgrade contents  Beam Energy Increase : 120keV → 200keV  Beam current measuring system : BPM, F/C, Slit  Installation X-Y scanner & MQD for Beam uniformity : > 90%  Replacing deteriorated P/S  Improvement of Vacuum System  Labview-based remote control system Ion Source BPM Beam Stopper Slit Accel. Tube MQD Scanner F/C Chamber BPM Beam Stopper Specification  Beam Energy : 200keV / 5mA  Gaseous Ion : H, He, N, Ar, Xe etc.  Irradiation Area : 100mm x 100mm  Uniformity : > 90%

8 Metal Ion Beam Facility Scanner Chamber BPM Scanner MQD Accel. Tube Slit Ion Source Analyzing Magnet Beam Stopper F/C Upgrade contents  Beam Energy Increase : 120keV → 150keV  PID control system for metal compound temperature control  Beam current measuring system : BPM, F/C, Slit  Installation X-Y scanner & MQD for Beam uniformity (±5%)  Replacing deteriorated P/S  Labview-based remote control system Specification  Beam Energy : 150keV / 1mA  Metal Ion : Cr +, Fe +, Co +, Cu + (Al +, Ti +, P +, Ag + etc.)  Irradiation Area : 100mm x 100mm  Uniformity : >90%

9 Vertical Ion Beam Facility Ion Source Beam Stopper BPMF/C X-Y stage Constant Velocity distance280mm×280mm Accel. & decel distance70mm Uniformity area280mm *280mm Resolution ±50 ㎛ Accuracy ±20 ㎛ Upgrade contents  60keV Ion Source  Beam current measuring system : BPM & F/C  X-Y stage for large area & Uniform area  Upgrade of P/S  Labview-based remote control system Specification  Beam Energy : 60keV / 20mA  Gaseous Ion : H, He, N, Ar, Xe etc.  Irradiation Area : 250mm x 250mm  Uniformity : >90%

10 Upgrade contents  Bucket-type Ion Source : 22keV/150mA  Additional Duo-PIGatron (30keV, 20mA) for Hybrid IBSD processing  Labview-based remote control system High Current IBSD Facility * IBSD : Ion Beam Sputter Deposition Specification  Beam Energy : 22keV/150mA + 30keV/20mA  Gaseous Ion : N, Ar, Xe  Irradiation Area : 150mm x 150mm  Target material : STS, Cr, etc. Ion Source 1F/CIon Source 2IBSD Target System

11 1-MV Electrostatic ion accelerator ELV type HVPS  Purpose General purpose irradiation  Specifications p, d, He, N, … Current > 1mA Voltage <1MV  Plan To be commissioned in the middle of m RF Ion source Accelerating Tube Irradiation Chamber air test stand for RF ion source & acc. tube Ref) poster session AP-72

12 He RFQ Microwave ion source (He, d) Electrostatic LEBT 200MHz RFQ 4 vane, 3.2m Multipurpose irradiation chamber Beam transport system  Purpose He or d beam for semiconductor Fusion material test  Specifications A/q : 2 (He, d) 1MeV/u 200MHz RFQ  Plan To be commissioned in the middle of 2016 Ref) poster session AP-73

13 -1MV : 200kV~1MV -4MeV : >1MeV -1MV : 200kV~1MV -4MeV : >1MeV -High Current IBSD : 10~20keV -Gaseous Ion Beam : 20~200keV -Metal Ion Beam : 20~150keV -Vertical Ion Beam : 10~60keV -High Current IBSD : 10~20keV -Gaseous Ion Beam : 20~200keV -Metal Ion Beam : 20~150keV -Vertical Ion Beam : 10~60keV Widening Application Fields ~ 2015 (keV Energy) 2016 ~ (MeV Energy) Research with keV ions Surface modification of materials Nano fabrication and etching Semiconductor doping Research with keV ions Surface modification of materials Nano fabrication and etching Semiconductor doping Research with MeV ions Material modification for thick layer Radiation damage test Surface analysis High functional membrane High speed power semiconductor devices

14 Relocation to Beam Utilization Building Gaseous Temporary Building Beam Utilization Building Metal High current Beam Utilization Building  To be completed in Dec  Two-story building : 72x36x12.6 m 3  Supported by Gyeongju-Si Beam Utilization Building  To be completed in Dec  Two-story building : 72x36x12.6 m 3  Supported by Gyeongju-Si 2014 /11/ 07

15 Installation Plan of Ion Beam Facilities  To be commissioned in 2016 Vertical ion beam facility 1MV Accelerator He RFQ Accelerator High current IBSD facility Metal ion beam facility Gaseous ion beam facility Resume beam service in March, 2015  To be commissioned in 2016

16 III.Future plan

17 - Prototype machine fabrication/utilization - Supporting space and utility - Training operator and commissioning - Providing radiation safety management - Prototype machine fabrication/utilization - Supporting space and utility - Training operator and commissioning - Providing radiation safety management Expected Effect : Minimize investment risk → activate investment of company Basic Technology R&D Dedicated ion beam facility Production CompanyKOMAC Prototype (Ion beam facility) Trial Production Technical support system for Industry Integrated R&D Support Center for Industry [1]

18 Machine shop HP Room Proto-typing lab to develop mass-production facility High Energy Room 2 High Energy Room 1 Ion Beam Room 1 Ion Beam Room 2 Ion Beam Room 3 Ion Beam Room 4 Ion Beam Room 5 Ion Beam Room 6 72,000 36,000 Perform feasibility studies for mass-production Support proto-typing mass-production system Fundamental R&D (Simulation & experiment) Support Facility at KOMAC Fundamental R&D Labs Ion Beam Facilities & simulators Integrated R&D Support Center for Industry [2]

19 Continuous improvement of ion beam facilities - To meet users’ requirements for new applications - Ion source R&D Quality assurance of ion beam service - To achieve high quality beam service with high reliability Operation of integrated R&D support center for industry Future R&D

20 Ion source R&D Microwave ion source 2.45GHz, high brightness gaseous (p, d, He, …) RF ion source 200MHz, compact gaseous (p, d, He, …) Bernas-type ion source Enhance the reliability metal (Cu, Co, …) and p TCP ion source 13.56MHz, large area gaseous (N, O, Ar…)

21 Summary Almost completed upgrading existing ion beam facilities Two new machines under development Beam utilization building will be completed in December 2014 Resume beam service in March 2015 Integrated R&D support center for industry will be established in 2015

22 Thank you for your attention!