GEOSS Web Services (GWS) OGC support of GEOSS Workshops Telecon 6 July 2007 George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS Telecon - Agenda GEOSS 2007 Workshop plan - George Percivall ISRSE, June GEOSS Workshop - Karl Benedict IGARSS, July GEOSS Workshop - Rudy Husar GeoNorth, August GEOSS Workshop - T. Fisher, R. Thomas, G. Yettman AfricaGIS2007, September GEOSS Workshop OGC TC Boulder, September GEOSS Workshop Any Other Business
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically The Workshop Series 2007 “The User and the GEOSS Architecture” Apr-07IEEE SoS and Signal Conferences Hawaii, USASOSE and Information infrastructure for GEOSS Jun-07Intl Symp on RS of Environment - ISRSE San Jose, Costa Rica Sustainable dev through EO, Agriculture Jul-07IGARSS07Barcelona, Spain GEOSS System components Aug-07IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada Climate and biodiversity Sep-07AfricaGIS07Burkina FasoEO for water, health Sep-07OGC TCBoulder, CO USA Regional Decisions for Climate Change Nov-07Asian Conference on Remote Sensing Kuala Lumpur, MY Environment Disaster/ Tsunami
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically OGC participation in GEOSS Workshop Series’07 Apr-07IEEE SoS and Signal Conferences Hawaii, USASimon Cox, CSIRO Jun-07Intl Symp on RS of Environment - ISRSE San Jose, Costa Rica Karl Benedict, Univ. New Mexico Jul-07IGARSS07Barcelona, Spain Rudy Husar, Wash Univ-StL Aug-07IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada Robert Thomas, Greg Yettman Sep-07AfricaGIS07Burkina Faso(ESRI, ITC) Sep-07OGC TCBoulder, CO USA IPCC Data Dist Centres: A. Woolf; R. Chen IP3 Scenario: Stefano Nativi, Nov-07Asian Conference on Remote Sensing Kuala Lumpur, MY Shailesh Nayack, INCOIS
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS and OGC Network OGC Network has been updated based upon on the 13 June Telecon discussions: – Note in particular the beginnings of a page for base WMS servers useful for most all demos. If you anticipate wanting to edit the OGC Network Pages for GEOSS: –
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Demos Lessons Learned Application-specific demos are a great way to engage with user communities that would not necessarily look to OGC standards. Emphasize message about using distributed components with open standards vs. standalone application Tremendous enthusiasm and commitment of agencies and research groups to collaborate Demo provides a fast-track to skills development and knowledge transfer. Live demo is compelling but dependent upon communications networks that may not be reliable at workshops Live demo should be accompanied by a pre-recorded demo Presentation of the demo works best with two projectors: one for the client application, the other for a powerpoint presentation explanation Start early to get satellite data Desirable to involve participants from the local region Keep it simple, focus on the magic of interoperability GEOSS Demos are persistent using OGC Network –
GEOSS Workshop/GWS Demo at International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment - ISRSE. 29 June, San Jose, Costa Rica Karl Benedict Senior Research Scientist, IT Manager Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico Karl to present workshop results at next telecon
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at ISRSE Chaired by Ian Dowman, President ISPRS OGC Demonstration led by Karl Benedict, University of New Mexico Theme: Sustainable dev through EO, Agriculture
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically OGC Demo at ISRSE GEOSS Workshop Client platforms and Applications Platform Independent –Web-based WMS viewer: under development at EDAC as a multi- server WMS data viewer ( Linux/OS X/Windows –uDig: open source desktop GIS application with support for OGC WxS services
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically OGC Demo at ISRSE GEOSS Workshop NASA Ames Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) UAS Workshop –Ames conducting UAS workshop at beginning of conference. –Intellitech Vector P UAV to fly over coffee fields in Costa Rica to support sustainable agriculture Don Sullivan, Ames, installing servers and network to support UAS workshop –UAV data via WMS, WCS, and FTP located at conference –Costa Rica Aeronautical chart –60 cm pan data around conference center and Tobias Bolanos airport –2.4 m color data around conference center and Tobias Bolanos airport –Color IR data (actually collected by NASA YB57, not ER2 as I had originally thought) –UAS 10 cm data over coffee plantation(s)
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, 29 June, San Jose, Costa Rica April - Call for GWS participants May - Develop societal benefit area scenario May - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site May - Identify scenario specific data sources May - Components available on-line June - Client server testing June - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture June On-site testing June 29 - Workshop July - posting results to OGC Network
GEOSS Workshop/Demo at IGARSS 2007 Barcelona Spain 22 July 2007 Rudolf B. Husar, Professor and Director Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA), Washington University, St. Louis
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at IGARSS Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa, IEEE, organizing GEOSS workshop at IGARSS 2007 Theme of Biodiversity in the Mediterranean. Rudy Husar set up a wiki site as the workspace for the 'virtual workgroup'. – Wiki cite contains the: –Interoperable (WCS, ハ WMS) Datasets –Status of the data gathering –Demo-related threaded discussio from s –Demo description and links
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS Barcelona Demo Wiki Workspace Barcelona Demo Wiki WorkspaceBarcelona Demo Wiki Workspace
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Demo Datasets – See Wiki See WikiSee Wiki
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Demo Participants Dust Model Dust Model? Dust Data Satellite Data Visibility Data Wind Forecast Human Population Proc. Services Delivery Services? Coordination Carlos Perez, Doug Westphal George Kallos Xavier Querol, Jorge Pey Gregory Peptoukh, Nadime Alameh Visibility Data Ben Domenico Greg Yetman Stefan Falke Lorenzo Bigagli Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa George Percivall Rudolf Husar, Erin Robinson
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Dust Fertilization Promotes Biomass Phytoplankton produce most of the biomass in the oceans Iron from atmospheric dust is a key nutrient for phytoplankton However, many other factors influence the generation of chlorophyll Dust
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Is Dust Enhancing Chlorophyll over the Western Med? Chlorophyll NASA SeaWiFS - Givanni NASA SeaWiFS
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Dust Monitoring Data on Google Earth
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, 22 July, IGARSS May - Call for GWS participants May - Develop societal benefit area scenario May - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site June - Identify scenario specific data sources June - Components available on-line June - Client server testing July - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture July 21 - On-site testing July 22 - Workshop Aug - posting results to OGC Network
GEOSS Workshop/Demo at IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada August 2007
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at GeoNorth Workshop Theme: “The Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Biodiversity and Energy in the Arctic " –Organized by Ellsworth LeDrew Workshop precedes the First International Circumpolar Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Applications, Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada, August 20-24, 2007 –
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at GeoNorth Demonstration Theme: –Caribou movement and migration and the integration of snow pack data and greeness data from imagery –Suzanne Carriere of the Northwest Territories –CARMA group integrating spatial data to caribou data. Polar Regions defined for IPY (via Terry Fisher) –Regions North (or South) of 60 degrees at poles, recognizing that there may be regions that need to be included beyond these 'lines' In Canada this includes regions like Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay. –6 themes of IPY including: Global Connections, the influences of the Earth's polar regions on the rest of the planet and vice versa. Human Dimensions of the Arctic: people living in the north regions, for example Inuit communities in Nunavik and Nunasiavut.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Current status The Demo has a Theme of Caribou Migration as element of Biodiversity - a GEOSS Societal Benefit Area. CARMA has data on-line but it is not currently in WMS – –Terry Fisher is contacting Suzanne Carriere of CARMA to determine if caribou data can be hosted on GeoConnections WMS. Client: Robert Thomas, Compusult offered to provide the web client to display the composite maps; by accessing the various WMSs WMS layers available to support scenario: –JAXA/AMSR-E sea ice need update re WMS –NSIDC Atlas of the Cryosphere - John Maurer –NRCan Centre for Topographic Information - Daniel Pilon –GeoConnections - Terry Fisher Greg Yetman, CIESIN has offered support, already plans to be at GeoNorth; and is a veteran in leading GEOSS Workshop demos.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Polar Demo and AI Pilot Architecture Implementation Pilot –GEOSS, FedEO and Tri-Lateral –Conducted using OGC procedures Polar Demo is one of the Scenarios for AI Pilot More information about AI Pilot –Call for Participation: 35 responses, over 100 organizations –Kickoff Meeting 5&6 June at ESA/ESRIN –Demostration at EO Ministerial Summit, November 2007 –
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically AI Pilot Polar E&B WG mailing list additions
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at GeoNorth Data sources for Demos –Basis for entry to demo is handling polar projections, e.g., EPSG: polar stereographic projection centered at the north pole –(Need caribou data on WMS - maybe with CARMA group?) –NSIDC Atlas of the Cryosphere - John Maurer –WMS from Geoconnections –Atlas of Canada - WMS with base layers (road, boundaries, hydrography, populated places, etc.) for its 7.5 Million framework data set. Additional Data sources and clients to be identified in conjunction with AI Pilot
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, 20 August, GeoNorth June - Call for GWS participants June - Develop societal benefit area scenario June - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site June - Identify scenario specific data sources July - Components available on-line July - Client server testing Aug - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Aug 19 - On-site testing Aug 20 - Workshop Aug - posting results to OGC Network
GEOSS Workshop/Demo - AfricaGIS “Earth Observation to benefit Water and Health” Burkina Faso, Saturday/Sunday September 15/16
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at AfricaGIS forum for discussing the development and operational issues of an advanced global information system for supporting national, regional and global decisions impacting society. Specific emphasis will be on the use of earth observation for management of water and health in Africa. and go to GEOSS and then workshops at the top of the home page.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, AfricaGIS 2007 July - Call for GWS participants July - Develop societal benefit area scenario July - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site July - Identify scenario specific data sources Aug - Components available on-line Aug - Client server testing Aug - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Sept 14 - On-site testing Sept Workshop Sept - posting results to OGC Network
GEOSS Workshop/Demo - OGC TC “Regional Decisions for Climate Change ” Boulder, Friday/Saturday, Sept 21/22
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at OGC TC, Sept How the GEOSS Architecture supports citizens and policy makers in making decisions based upon regional predictions of climate change –Recognizing that the science to predict regional changes in climate is still advancing, –Address interoperability arrangements for decision support tools and predictive models used around the globe to support policy and management decisions.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Regional Climate Demonstrations IPCC Data Distribution Centres –Andrew Wolff –Bob Chen IP3 Scenario on Biodiversity and Ecosystems –focus the demonstration on the effects of regional climate change. –working on valuable datasets and expertise for this point (i.e. regional climate change) –Stefano Nativi
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically CIESIN IPCC data services see it in CIESIN client at: – 180, , , 180, , , via WFS at: – st=GetCapabilities st=GetCapabilities via WMS at: – st=GetCapabilities&Service=WMS&Version=1.1.1 st=GetCapabilities&Service=WMS&Version=1.1.1
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Regional Climate Demo and AI Pilot Architecture Implementation Pilot –GEOSS, FedEO and Tri-Lateral –Conducted using OGC procedures Regional Climate Demo is one of the Scenarios for AI Pilot More information about AI Pilot –Call for Participation: 35 responses, 105 organizations –Kickoff Meeting 5&6 June at ESA/ESRIN –Demostration at EO Ministerial Summit, November 2007 – Regional Climate WG mailing list: –
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, OGC TC Sept 2007 July - Call for GWS participants July - Develop societal benefit area scenario July - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site July - Identify scenario specific data sources Aug - Components available on-line Aug - Client server testing Aug - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Sept 20 - On-site testing Sept Workshop Sept - posting results to OGC Network
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS Telecon - Any Other Business Next telecon - confirmed during the telecon: –Friday, 3 August 2007 –UTC 1400 – GSN listserv additions? –Will be changing listserv name from GSN to GWS Any other business