Improving the eduroam experience with Interworking (802.11u) Scott Armitage #tnc2013
Introduction What is IEEE 802.11u / HS20 /Passpoint? How can eduroam benefit from 802.11u? Interworking in action
IEEE 802.11-2012 Interworking (11u) Previously known as 802.11u Provides pre-association information to client Two-way communication Uses Access Network Query Protocol (ANQP) Use Generic Advertisement Service (GAS) 2 Way Provides Layer 2 transport for ANQP
IEEE 802.11-2012 Interworking Cont. Provides standardised information to client Access Network Type (Private, Guest Access, etc.) Internet Available Captive portal (ASRA) Emergency Services Reachable (ESR) and (UESA) Venue Information (Group and Type) e.g. Education / University Venue Name (eng:Loughborough University Library) HESSID
IEEE 802.11-2012 Interworking cont. Roaming Consortium ID Identifies a roaming network e.g. eduroam TERENA OUI – 001bc50460 Domain Name Identifies WLAN operators home domain(s) e.g. NAI Realm List of realms which can use the WLAN Vendor Specific Attributes e.g. 50-6f-9a (WiFi Alliance Hotspot 2.0)
Hotspot 2.0 / Passpoint Hotspot 2.0 Specification published by Wi-Fi Alliance Hotspot 2.0 Task Group Passpoint Device certification program Devices which implement HS20 can be Passpoint certified
Use Case for eduroam Clients prefer home eduroam service over roaming Useful in crowded cities like London Providing users with information about the eduroam Service Provider Including support information for reporting problems Better load balancing between Service Providers HS20 Connection metrics Easier client configuration
Testing TERENA OUI - 001bc50460 Cisco Unified Wireless Hostapd Ubuntu / wpa_supplicant Samsung Galaxy S3 Samsung Galaxy S4
Cisco 802.11u Configuration
Cisco Hotspot 2.0 Configuration
Samsung Galaxy S3 / S4 Galaxy S3 Passpoint menu options enabled *#468776820# (*#hotspot20#) cred.conf in the root storage Galaxy S4 Passpoint menus available ‘out of the box’
Samsung S3 / S4 cred.conf
Samsung Galaxy S3 / S4
Samsung S4 Scan
Samsung S4 Home / Roaming
Samsung S4 Debug
Samsung S4 Debug
Problems Requirement for (NAI) Realm Attribute Lack of GAS/ANQP server implementation to lookup eduroam realms Client implementations may not support lookup Lack of support in Client devices and APs Standard being driven by commercial hotspot operators and mobile phone carriers. Different priorities to eduroam
Questions? @armitasp