Practice Profiles Dr John Battersby Medical Director, erpho
Background Increasing need for practice level data Policy focus on primary care – especially quality and performance PCTs developing their own approach (e.g. Tower Hamlets Balanced Scorecard)
Primary care data sources Practice systems –Not easily accessible –“Commercial” databases (QResearch and THIN) –GPES (hopefully not Godot!) Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) –Introduced in 2004 –129 indicators included in
QOF Intended to drive up quality Not a performance management tool Underpinned by QMAS – Quality Management Analysis System (Connecting for Health) QOF/QMAS use same coding system as primary care clinical systems: Read Coding
Other tools Primary Care Commissioning Support Tool ( ) Primary Care Contracting Quality and Productivity Calculator ( care-quality-and-productivity-challenge ) care-quality-and-productivity-challenge SHAPE Tool ( %20Strategic%20Health%20Asset%20Planning%20and%20Evaluation ) %20Strategic%20Health%20Asset%20Planning%20and%20Evaluation NHS Comparators ( )
Practice Profiles 3 PHOs have developed profiles (LHO, YHPHO and ERPHO) All similar in terms of content Underlying handling of data is different APHO currently working on roll out of profiles across all PHOs in England
Content Population Demography & Patient Satisfaction Cardiovascular disease Diabetes Mental health Respiratory disease Secondary care use Prescribing Other
Display Population graphs/charts (LHO/ERPHO) Spine charts (all) Maps (YPHO) Radar charts (YHPHO for geodemographic segmentation) YHPHO include ‘clustering’
Challenges Getting data (other than QOF) Practice populations –Exeter NSTS –Attribution Dataset – GP lists reconciled with ONS resident populations Practices have no geography so geographically defined indicators (like IMD) cause problems
The future? Hopefully roll out of APHO national practice profiles in autumn (October) – subject to early access to QOF data APHO profiles will be based on ERPHO model – printability and ability to cluster practices are important Unclear how profiles might link/integrate into other products