Three States of Matter Solid - Particles in a solid are tightly packed, and only move by vibrating. - A solid has its own shape and volume and it does not change. - Solids are hard to compress and do not flow easily. By Brittanie Examples: pencil, computer, curtains, desks.
Liquid - Particles are in a liquid are close together, and vibrate, move around, and slide past eachother. - Liquids take the shape of the container it occupies, but the volume stays the same. - Liquids are not easily compressible, but are easier than solids, and they flow easily. Examples: pop, juice, water, kool- aid.
Gas - Particles in a gas are well separated, and move in a large space with lots of energy. - Gases take the shape and volume of the container. - Gases are easily compressible, and they flow easily. Examples: smog, propane, helium,oxygen.
Changes of Matter Condensation EvaporationMelting Gas Liquid Gas Solid Liquid Solidification Deposition Sublimation Solid Gas Solid Liquid Solid Change of matter of the gas in to a liquid. Change of matter of the liquid in to a gas. Change of matter of the solid in to a liquid. Change of matter of the liquid in to a gas. Change of a matter of the gas in to a liquid. Change of matter of the solid in to a gas. IMG_3090.MOV IMG_3100.MOVIMG_3113.mp4
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