Things The Lord Jesus Taught.
The Lord Jesus taught people, using things that they could relate to. On different occasions the Lord Jesus taught the people about spiritual things using examples such as nature, and even money. He is the greatest teacher! He knows all of the answers!
Do you know what God called this man?
A FOOL! That night his soul would be required, (He was going to die), and his money would mean nothing.
Another time, Jesus and the Disciples were watching people as they came to church. Many rich people were putting great sums of money into the offering box. A poor widow came and put in two copper coins into the box.
2 COPPER COINS = A PENNY! Yet the Lord Jesus said, she gave more than all of the others, because she gave all that she had. The others gave out of their abundance. It didn’t cost them much, because they had much money.
ONE LAST STORY….. Judas, was one of the 12 Disciples. He carried the money bag for the group of men. The Lord Jesus knew that he was stealing from the bag.
He told the religious people where Jesus was, so that they could take him and crucify him. He did it for 30 pieces of silver.
We should do good with our money, use it for good things. Use it to help others. We should always pay what we owe first, before we treat ourselves.
Money should never control us, when it does we end up doing foolish things with our money, and we end up wanting more. It can never make us truly happy on the inside. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil.
If a person gains the whole world and looses their own soul, they have lost everything! Mark 8:36
You are of more value to the Lord than all of the money in the world! Your Soul is priceless to God. He has proved how much your soul is worth. YOUR SOUL WILL LIVE FOREVER! GOD WANTS YOUR SOUL TO BE WITH HIM.