FINAL PAPER Sociology 1301: Introduction to Sociology
Minimum Requirements Between 5 and 8 pages in length (not including the title page or reference page) Error Free No spelling errors (use Spell Check) Proper sentence structure/grammar Proper paper format Introduction: Introduces what your paper is about Body: Discusses your topic in depth Conclusion: Wraps up the paper
APA Format It is expected that you use APA formatting for you paper: Title Page 1 Inch Margins 12 Point Font (Normal Font such as Ariel/Tahoma/Times New Roman) Double Spaced (no extra spaces between paragraphs) Pages Numbered ½ inch margin indentation for paragraphs Resource on APA Formatting:
Title Page Format At the top of the page flush left: Running head: YOUR TOPIC In the center of the page, centered: Paper Title Your Name Your Institution/School
Example Title Page
Sources Only 2 sources used Conley Text 1 Reading from Massey Reader Sources are to be used when defining concepts, not when applying concepts to your topic. I want to know how YOU apply the concepts to your topic, not how others do it.
APA Reference Page Title the page: References (centered, not bolded or underlined) References should be written in proper APA format, double spaced, with ½ indentation on 2 nd lines. Proper citations: Conley, D. (2011). You may ask yourself: An introduction to thinking like a sociologist (2 nd Ed.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Massey, G. (Ed.) (2006). Readings for sociology (5 th Ed.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Example Reference Page
Citing Sources w/in Paper Definition from book: Symbolic Interactionism: a micro-level theory in which shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivations behind people's actions. Quoting book: Conley (2011) defines symbolic interactionism as “a micro-level theory in which shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivations behind people's actions” (p. 21). Symbolic interactionism is a perspective in sociology “in which shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivations behind people's actions” (Conley, 2011, p. 21). Not quoting book: Symbolic interactionism is a perspective in sociology that has individuals creating and interpreting symbols in order to figure out how best to act with an individual in a given situation (Conley, 2011).
Content You must: Apply the 3 main perspectives to your topic Symbolic Interactionism Functionalism Conflict Theory Apply at least 2 concepts from each section of the course Sociology Basics (this will be your application of the 3 main perspectives) Socialization & Culture Social Interaction Stratification & Inequality
Content You must: Define the concepts that you are applying Don’t just quote the book for all definitions. I want you to use your words. Apply the concepts to your topic I want to know what you think
Cumulative Paper Grading Rubric DescriptionPoints Worth Does the paper meet the basic requirements? 25 Error free (spelling/grammar) Includes a title page 1 inch margins 12 point font Normal font (Ariel/Tahoma/Times New Roman) Double Spaced ½ inch indentation for paragraphs (no extra spaces after/before paragraphs) Pages numbered Between 5 and 7 pages in length (not including the title page or reference page) A minimum of 2 sources used (one of which is the Conley text) Does the paper use APA guidelines for citing sources? Sources are cited w/in the paper text appropriately Includes a reference with sources cited using APA guidelines 25 Does the student explain concepts from class? Student explained each of the 3 sociological perspectives correctly (structural functionalism, social conflict, symbolic interactionism). Student explained a minimum of 2 concepts from each section of the course. 75 Does the student apply the concepts from class to their concept? Each of the concepts explained are applied to the student’s topic. Student shows critical thinking and demonstrates a use of their sociological imagination. 75 Total Points for Assignment:200