Personal Tutoring an interactive workshop Sally Alsford (EDU) Paul Dennison (EDU) Sharing Practice, Developing Community T&L Conference July,
Workshop structure – QA :10 Policy and Implementation 20 min. Presentation 12:30 Personal tutoring group activity 20 min Personal Tutor support 5 min. 1:10 1:10Close
Research: what students and staff wanted in/from personal tutoring UoG staff and students UoG staff and students: a mix of 1:1 and group tutorials priorities: personal & social support academic activity Need for consistency, transparency and support Make it personal The Students’ Union Charter (2006) Supportive and available 3 Policy first line of support
Principles underpinning the policy 1.Build relationships with and between students, to enhance their experience at university and establish a sense of belonging; an holistic one-to-one relationship between student and personal tutor peer group interactions to build friendships, confidence and 2.A recognisable university-wide provision, transparently communicated to students and staff, consisting of: clear definition of roles and responsibilities, baseline entitlement for students, baseline resourcing for staff. 3.Acting as a personal tutor is not the same as being a lecturer - a distinct and well-defined role that should not be subsumed into other academic roles. 4 Policy
Principles underpinning the policy 4.University-wide personal tutoring provision will be implemented locally and flexibly by Schools/Faculties. 5.Personal tutoring provision will be front-loaded for new students (undergraduate and postgraduate), including direct entrants, to assist transition. 6.It is the joint responsibility of personal tutors and tutees to actively work together to build a successful tutorial relationship. 7.It is the responsibility of the university to put in place the conditions under which this can happen effectively and efficiently. 8.It is the responsibility of Schools/Faculties to put in place the organisation and structures which translate the conditions (7) and provision (2) into reality. 5 Policy
Top down planning University provision entitlement 1.Students will know their entitlement to personal tutoring and be encouraged to participate 2.The university students’ charter will be amended 3.Systems improved to support personal tutors: eg banner tagging 4.Consistent and accessible information on students’ progress 5.Small bookable spaces to be identified and made available for personal tutorials. 6.The role of personal tutor is given recognition in the BAW commensurate with its importance on a per student basis. 7.Personal tutoring role to be given more emphasis in recruitment of new staff 8.EDU will develop webpages and personal tutoring training. 6 Implementation
Top down planning Faculty organisation will ensure: clearly explained and promoted 1.Personal tutoring clearly explained and promoted to staff and students, adequately resourced and valued 2.Baseline entitlements 2.Baseline entitlements for students and staff are fulfilled and extended and adapted 3.Effective methods and roles developed (eg Senior Tutor, Board of Tutors) 4.Implementation plans developed and approved 5.Personal tutoring reported as part of Annual Monitoring 7 Implementation
Personal Tutoring Group Activity 8
Personal Tutoring Hub for staff 9 Support