Malicia Johnson January 18,2016 EDU-225 Mr.Clark Multimedia Presentation
My Target Grade level... Third Grade I will be giving a lesson plan and objective on the following subjects such as math, reading, writing, science, language arts, and P.E.
Computer The children are interacting with one another by looking on the computer for information that was giving by the teacher.
Math The students will learn how to do Multiplication through a song. They will also practice their multiplication with flash cards at home. 4 X 1= 4
Reading The students will get a chance to do a book report on their favorite book that they like to read.
Writing The Students will practice writing in their Journal once a week. They will share in class what they wrote in their journal. Writing awards will be present to the student who presented an outstanding entry.
Science Design a Glass Xylophone! Make a Balloon Stick to the Wall Like "Magic" Bounce an egg Fun science project ideas to do at home or while in the classroom science experiment.
Language Arts Students will learn and practice grammar. They will also watch grammar learning videos such as compounds and verbs.
P.E Students will learn how to be team players by playing active games such as kick ball.