Coordinated Research Activities and the RCA Programme The stated objective of the RCA Programme is: the promotion and coordination of cooperative research, development and training projects in nuclear science and technology, covering subjects in the fields of isotope and radiation applications in agriculture, human health, industry, hydrology, and terrestrial and marine environments. The stated objective of the RCA Programme is: the promotion and coordination of cooperative research, development and training projects in nuclear science and technology, covering subjects in the fields of isotope and radiation applications in agriculture, human health, industry, hydrology, and terrestrial and marine environments. The two streams identified in the RCA Programme are: Cooperative Projects and Coordinated Research Projects. The two streams identified in the RCA Programme are: Cooperative Projects and Coordinated Research Projects.
Overall Priorities and Criteria for RCA Coordinated Research Projects To be relevant to the RCA Vision, Mission and Strategic Priorities; To be relevant to the RCA Vision, Mission and Strategic Priorities; To have research directions and imperatives that support the medium to long term needs of the RCA Programme, individual RCA Government Parties and the expected contribution of such research to national and regional outcomes; To have research directions and imperatives that support the medium to long term needs of the RCA Programme, individual RCA Government Parties and the expected contribution of such research to national and regional outcomes; To have national level commitment so as to maximise the extent and depth of the research collaboration; To have national level commitment so as to maximise the extent and depth of the research collaboration;
Overall Priorities and Criteria for RCA Coordinated Research Projects(cont.) To demonstrate the benefits and advantages of the application of nuclear techniques; To demonstrate the benefits and advantages of the application of nuclear techniques; To have the potential for development into an RCA technical cooperation project; and, To have the potential for development into an RCA technical cooperation project; and, To have the potential for improving the utilisation of established national research organisations / institutes, increasing regional research networks and resources and adding value to future inputs to that particular area of research. To have the potential for improving the utilisation of established national research organisations / institutes, increasing regional research networks and resources and adding value to future inputs to that particular area of research.
General Outline of Profile of the Proposed RCA CRP Structure No more than one research proposal from a GP approved for each CRP; No more than one research proposal from a GP approved for each CRP; Target number of GPs participating in a CRP between 8 and 12; Target number of GPs participating in a CRP between 8 and 12; Duration of a CRP normally between 3 and 5 years; Duration of a CRP normally between 3 and 5 years; Two modes of participation - Contract Holder or Agreement Holder; Two modes of participation - Contract Holder or Agreement Holder; GPs encouraged to consider participating as Agreement Holders to maximise the financial support; GPs encouraged to consider participating as Agreement Holders to maximise the financial support; Research Contracts initially for one year and could be renewed each year subject to conditions; Research Contracts initially for one year and could be renewed each year subject to conditions; Research Agreements would be for the duration of the CRP. Research Agreements would be for the duration of the CRP.
Conditions - Contract Holders Support would be normally in the form of a lump-sum cost-sharing contract between the nominated research institute (RI) and the RCARO. Support would be normally in the form of a lump-sum cost-sharing contract between the nominated research institute (RI) and the RCARO. RI expected to bear the major part of the cost of the project and including operating costs, overheads and other expenses. RI expected to bear the major part of the cost of the project and including operating costs, overheads and other expenses. Owing to limited financial resources, expected financial support average < €6000 per annum per Research Contract. Owing to limited financial resources, expected financial support average < €6000 per annum per Research Contract. Nominated Chief Scientific Investigator (CSI) invited to attend the periodic Research Coordination Meetings (RCMs) at the RCA’s expense. Nominated Chief Scientific Investigator (CSI) invited to attend the periodic Research Coordination Meetings (RCMs) at the RCA’s expense. Subject to financial rules and regulations of the RCARO. Subject to financial rules and regulations of the RCARO. RCMs generally held at 18 month intervals subject to progress and available funding. RCMs generally held at 18 month intervals subject to progress and available funding.
Conditions - Agreement Holders No financial award made to the Agreement Holders No financial award made to the Agreement Holders Chief Scientific Investigator (CSI) nominated in the Research Agreement would be invited to attend the periodic RCMs at the RCA's expense. Chief Scientific Investigator (CSI) nominated in the Research Agreement would be invited to attend the periodic RCMs at the RCA's expense. Support subject to availability of funding and satisfactory progress of that portion of the CRP. Support subject to availability of funding and satisfactory progress of that portion of the CRP.
The Role of the RCARO to administer and manage the RCA CRPs; to administer and manage the RCA CRPs; to arrange for on-going financial support of the CRPs; to arrange for on-going financial support of the CRPs; to arrange and implement the approved activities in each Coordinated Research Project (CRP) approved under the CRAs programme; to arrange and implement the approved activities in each Coordinated Research Project (CRP) approved under the CRAs programme; to convene and support appropriately constituted Research Review Committees to technically review proposals for CRPs and technical review of the implementation of a CRP; to convene and support appropriately constituted Research Review Committees to technically review proposals for CRPs and technical review of the implementation of a CRP; to be the focal point for communications by the CRP Holders; and, to be the focal point for communications by the CRP Holders; and, to be the depository for the CRP Members' annual reports to be the depository for the CRP Members' annual reports.
Mechanisms for the Proposing, Developing, Prioritising and Approving Cooperative Research Projects The current RCA mechanisms for the proposing, developing, prioritisation and approval of the technical cooperation projects could be readily adapted for use with Cooperative Research Projects. The current RCA mechanisms for the proposing, developing, prioritisation and approval of the technical cooperation projects could be readily adapted for use with Cooperative Research Projects.
Proposing a CRP All proposals for RCA CRPs should be tabled by a National Representative (NR) or a group of National Representatives at a Regional Meeting of the NRs (NRM). All proposals for RCA CRPs should be tabled by a National Representative (NR) or a group of National Representatives at a Regional Meeting of the NRs (NRM). If recommended by the NRM as a potential CRP, proposals would be forwarded to the Director RCARO for evaluation through an appropriately constituted Research Review Committee (RRC). If recommended by the NRM as a potential CRP, proposals would be forwarded to the Director RCARO for evaluation through an appropriately constituted Research Review Committee (RRC).
Research Review Committee (RRC) The RCARO would establish a Research Review Committee (RRC) to: The RCARO would establish a Research Review Committee (RRC) to: review proposals to establish a CRP and report their findings to the NRs; and, review proposals to establish a CRP and report their findings to the NRs; and, support the implementation of the implementation of the CRP through: support the implementation of the implementation of the CRP through: review of the CRP members’ annual reports; review the reports of the Research Coordination Meetings (RCMs); advice the RCARO on any implementation matters; and, provision of such advisory tasks as required by the RCARO to support the RCA CRAs Programme.
Membership of the Research Review Committee (RRC) Membership of the RRC should include: experts in the research fields relevant to a CRP proposal, or already a part of an active CRP; experts in the research fields relevant to a CRP proposal, or already a part of an active CRP; the Chair RCA PAC; and the Chair RCA PAC; and a Representative from the RCARO. a Representative from the RCARO.
Approval Process for a CRP Proposal NRs take advice from the RRC concerning the expected contribution of the proposed CRP to study of the stated regional theme, problem or need, as well as its fit in the overall focus of the RCA CRAs; NRs take advice from the RRC concerning the expected contribution of the proposed CRP to study of the stated regional theme, problem or need, as well as its fit in the overall focus of the RCA CRAs; NRs also take account of advice from the RCARO concerning the availability of funds; NRs also take account of advice from the RCARO concerning the availability of funds; If the NRs decided to proceed with the CRP, the GPs are then requested to prepare proposals using the appropriate template for either a Research Contract or a Research Agreement. If the NRs decided to proceed with the CRP, the GPs are then requested to prepare proposals using the appropriate template for either a Research Contract or a Research Agreement.
Preparative GP Actions Related to Potential Participation in a CRP NRs seek advice from their National Thematic Sector Coordinators and Technical Advisors concerning: NRs seek advice from their National Thematic Sector Coordinators and Technical Advisors concerning: the identified regional theme, problem or need expressed in the proposed CRP; the identified regional theme, problem or need expressed in the proposed CRP; the national research benefits from such participation; the national research benefits from such participation; the specific area of research that could be proposed as the national contribution to the CRP; the specific area of research that could be proposed as the national contribution to the CRP; any overlap or duplication with existing national research projects in that selected area; and, any overlap or duplication with existing national research projects in that selected area; and, identification of suitable national research organisations / institutes able to accommodate such research cooperation within their existing human and physical resources. identification of suitable national research organisations / institutes able to accommodate such research cooperation within their existing human and physical resources.
Processing of GPs Research Proposals to Participate in a CRP GPs prepare a research proposal using the appropriate agreed CRP template for either a research contract or a research agreement. GPs prepare a research proposal using the appropriate agreed CRP template for either a research contract or a research agreement. NRs submit these to the Director RCARO for review by the Research Review Committee (RRC) with respect to NRs submit these to the Director RCARO for review by the Research Review Committee (RRC) with respect to technical merits; technical merits; compatibility with the RCA’s agreed criteria; compatibility with the RCA’s agreed criteria; availability of appropriate facilities and personnel in the nominated institutions; and, availability of appropriate facilities and personnel in the nominated institutions; and, any previous research work that had been carried out related to the projects. any previous research work that had been carried out related to the projects. RRC selects proposals for supported and decides on the awards of research contracts and research agreements. RRC selects proposals for supported and decides on the awards of research contracts and research agreements. Director RCARO advises NRs of the Committee's findings and confirms the proposed CRP start date. Director RCARO advises NRs of the Committee's findings and confirms the proposed CRP start date.
Projected Financial Costs for a CRP Projected Financial Costs for a CRP Assumption 1 - A CRP with 4 Research Agreements and 8 Research Contracts. Annual CRP cost 8 x €6,000 = €48,000. Annual CRP cost 8 x €6,000 = €48,000. Assumption 2 - Research Coordination Meetings (3 days) with 12 Assumption 2 - Research Coordination Meetings (3 days) with 12 CSIs, DIR RCARO & 2 Experts/Advisors; DSA €250; travel cost €1500/person. DSA cost = €18,750 (15 x 5 x €250). DSA cost = €18,750 (15 x 5 x €250). Travel cost = €22,500 (15 x €1500). Travel cost = €22,500 (15 x €1500). Cost/RCM = €43,750 Cost/RCM = €43,750 Assumption 3 - duration of the CRP is 5 years, with 3 RCMs. Assumption 3 - duration of the CRP is 5 years, with 3 RCMs. CRP cost = €240,000 CRP cost = €240,000 RCM cost = €131,250 RCM cost = €131,250 Total Cost for a 5 year CRP with 3 RCMs = €371,250 (€74,250/year)
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