X 4 Dylos 1100 pro laser particle counters Log PM count from microns and microns at 10 second intervals. GPS unit logs coordinate information at 10 second intervals. Units are attached to bike at front handlebars. Data from AQM and GPS are correlated and compiled in Excel, then interpolated in Quantum GIS. Bicycle Air Monitoring Program funded by Google!
Participation Twelve participants to-date, with a waiting list of 18 volunteers (over 10K data points collected!). Participants come to the GASP office for orientation, then travel with their monitor for ~one week.
Date, time, location, and PM data plotted Lauren’s evening commute – 6/8/2012 (plotted in QGIS. Google maps layer displayed via Openlayers plugin)
Date, time, location, and PM data interpolated All data as of 11/7/2012 (plotted in QGIS. Google maps layer displayed via Openlayers plugin)
Current webpage and ultimate goals Includes downloadable protocol, interest form, etc Turn the data into a searchable or limitable Google map for public perusal. Be able to confidently make suggestions of low-exposure routes for cyclists and pedestrians. Ultimately, all data will be available to the public in one form or another. Continue the volunteer participation and data collection in the spring, to continue to enhance the validity of the project.
Thank you for your interest! Comments, questions, and all other communication can be directed to: Visit our webpage for more information: gasp-pgh.org