Redesign Goals Based On User Survey…
Simpler navigation to reduce clutter
Redesign Goals Based On User Survey… Simpler navigation to reduce clutter Better content organization and presentation
Redesign Goals Based On User Survey… Simpler navigation to reduce clutter Better content organization and presentation Content rating and commenting by users
Redesign Goals Based On User Survey… Simpler navigation to reduce clutter Better content organization and presentation Content rating and commenting by users User surveys
Redesign Goals Based On User Survey… Simpler navigation to reduce clutter Better content organization and presentation Content rating and commenting by users User surveys Broader browser support
Redesign Goals Based On User Survey… Simpler navigation to reduce clutter Better content organization and presentation Content rating and commenting by users User surveys Broader browser support Reduced load-time
Information is organized into three demographic groups for less clutter… User your scroll wheel or left / right arrow keys to advance slides.
Each “Front Door” has an optional featured item on the left sidebar…
Secondary featured items change color on rollover…
Featured items automatically “rotate” in groups of 3 and can be controlled manually as well…
Sidebar items change color on rollover…
Bulletin board events are listed on the home page for easy visibility…
“Parents & Students” content is displayed in collapsible groups, each with a short description…
Featured items automatically “rotate” and can be controlled manually here as well…
Clicking on a group title instantly expands the list to show available content in that category…
The user can see more detail by going to a separate category content page as well…
Photo icon indicates a photo gallery is available for this article…
There is now a dedicated employee login page with related information to simplify the login process…
Arrow (and breadcrumbs) help indicate current location on the site…
Trustees are listed in a collapsible list on the sidebar to simplify navigation…
Trustee bio is summarized and can be instantly expanded with a click…
Related links appear on every page and are related to current content…
Calendar event are summarized and can be instantly expanded with a click…
“Home” always appears at the top of the sidebar menu for easy navigation…
Archived news is listed in a collapsible list on the sidebar…
Demographic groups in the masthead on every page for easy access…
Archived news is now paginated with the option to view a complete list as well…
On articles, text-size can be changed dynamically for better readability…
“HISD” menu is consistent throughout the site for easy access…
On article collections, users can switch between articles instantly…
Advanced school search options are available instantly with a click…
Left sidebar remains constant for easy navigation, even on search results…
Interactive social features will also be implemented… User comments on select articles… Polls to gather user feedback… Content ratings on articles…
The End Please take the time to complete the short survey provided to you. Thank you for your time.