What is a preposition? Created December 2010
A preposition is a: word showing a relationship between nouns or pronouns and can show the relations of direction, time, location, or even exclusion (keeping out, leaving out, barring). word used before noun: a member of a set of words used in close connection with, and usually before, nouns and pronouns to show their relation to another part of a clause. An example is "off" in "He fell off his bike" and "What did he fall off?"
Copy down these commonly used prepositions Common prepositions ABOUTABOVECROSSAFTERAGAINSTATAMONGAROUND ALONGBEFOREBYBELOWBESIDEOFTHROUGHDOWN DURINGFORFROMNEARINTOINNEXT TOBETWEEN ONOUTOVERBEHINDWITHTOUNDERUNTIL direction, time, location, or even exclusion (keeping out, leaving out, barring).
Draw a line under each preposition Example: 1.Can you go draw a map of your neighborhood for the guests? 2.Go through the first light and around the corner; my house is On the right. 3.I got another package through the mail from Ron. 4.Are you waiting by the bus stop? 5.At the meeting, he spoke to me about your mechanical ability. 6.Our company is ranked among the best; with benefits for its employees, it excels. 7. Her sister Cindy stood beside her. direction, time, location, or even exclusion (keeping out, leaving out, barring).
Draw a line under each preposition 8.All I want for lunch is a small bowl of vegetable soup with a roll. 9.We went to the house at the end of the street. 10.There were seventy-five post offices in the United States in Most of the fans stood during the last quarter of the game. 12.I looked for your shoes under the bed, near the TV, and in the closet. 13.We ate dinner at the new restaurant by the river. 14.They stood on the porch and watched for the mail carrier. 15.With any luck, we’ll be there between 3:00 and 4: We walked down the crowded street against the traffic. direction, time, location, or even exclusion (keeping out, leaving out, barring).
Draw a line under each preposition 17.Astronaut Sally Ride was the first woman in space. 18.We went over the report so we could talk to our boss about it. 19.I lost a dime behind the couch, but I found two quarters between the cushions. 20.Before the interview, she sat next to the receptionist in the atrium. 21.There is a bridge across the river in our town. 22.The ball was knocked over the fence and into the pond. 23.After the deadline, we found the old copies of the proposal under the cabinet. direction, time, location, or even exclusion (keeping out, leaving out, barring).
write your own sentences using prepositions Find the prepositions in the paragraph. direction, time, location, or even exclusion (keeping out, leaving out, barring). She enjoys planting a garden every year. It gives her pleasure To watch the seeds grow into plants. As the garden grows we help her water it to keep it moist, fresh, and alive. Sometimes, just for the fun of it, she picks the roses and puts them In a vase. After a few days they begin to loose their petals. Not long after that They wither and die. We always enjoy watching her create her gardens of blooms. Perhaps, one day we will create such lovely gardens ourselves.
Rubric for: What is a preposition 4321 Preposition words are used correctly in each sentence. No run ons or frag sentences were used. Most sentences contain properly used prepositions with none to few run on sentences and or frags. Few sentences contain prepositions used correctly. Sentences need some work to make them stronger. Most sentences are fragments or run-on sentences. Most sentences need more work.