Current situation of the implementation of Natura 2000 in Hungary Andras Bőhm National Inspectorate for Envionment, Nature and Water INFRA Taiex workshop on wild fauna protection Tirana 13-14, November 2008
Natura 2000 sites in Hungary 467 Special Conservation Area: 1,39 million ha 55 Special Protection Area : 1,35 million ha Natura 2000 areas outside Protected Areas: 1,2 million ha Overlap of SCAs and SPAs 41%: 1,96 million ha About of Hungary’s territory became part of the Natura 2000 Network About 21% of Hungary’s territory became part of the Natura 2000 Network
Protected and Natura 2000 Sites in Hungary
Bird’s Directive Hungarian proposal: Falco cherrug, Falco vespertinus, Charadrius alexandrinus
Habitat’s Directive Hungarian proposal: eg. Rupiculous pannonic grasslands, Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak - sessile oak forests, Linum dolomiticum, Onosma tornensis, Paeonia officinalis ssp. banatica, Isophya costata, Carabus hungaricus, Pilemia tigrina, Umbra krameri, Vipera ursinii ssp. rakosiensis
Biogeographical Regions Pannonian Biogeographical Region
Pannon Biogeographical Seminar Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia September 25-27, Sarród, Hungary Reconciliation of Reference List HU:- 46 habitats - 36 plant species animal species Review of site designation 20-60% rule Priority species/habitats60-100%
Habitats Plant species Animal species Sufficiency (SUF) Correction of data (CD) 6826 Including new species/habitat(s) on data sheet (IN MIN) Further site designation needed (IN MOD) 7118 Scientific reserv (Sci Res) 2011 Results of PBS The review of PBS, the scientific reconciliation and data correction are almost ended. The further site designation annucation is needed.
Hierarchy of Nature Conservation Planning National Nature Conservation Master Plan II. ( ) Management plan for RegionRegion protected site, part of the site, Natura 2000protected site, part of the site, Natura 2000 Conservation plan for assets (biotic and abiotic) Species action planSpecies action plan Cave &geological asset management planCave &geological asset management plan
Species Action Plan approval by Minister Plants(17)Animals (21) Strictly protected species Endangered, vulnerable species Community interest species –Habitat II Annex –Bird I Annex Recommended species of Bern convention (7 species)
Financing National central budget EU resources (Life, Structural Fund, PHARE Interreg,PHARE, Transition Facility Global Environment Facility : 11 billion HUF (international projects+ 3 billion national addition)
Communicating Natura 2000 Workshops, forums, brochures Participation on exhibitions and faires Natura 2000 stamp Natura 2000 Advisory Council Natura 2000 Working group (with NGOs) Natura 2000 website (with BirdLife Hungary) Participation on scientific meetings, conferences 90-days period for complaints after the enactment of MoEW announcement containing topographical numbers (more than 600 complaints altogether)
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