Chairman’s 2009 Report APLMF Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) Chairman: Charles D. Ehrlich NIST, U.S.A. CIML Member Assisted by.


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Presentation transcript:

Chairman’s 2009 Report APLMF Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) Chairman: Charles D. Ehrlich NIST, U.S.A. CIML Member Assisted by Régine Gaucher MAA Project Leader, BIML

2 APLMF WG on MRAs Four Work Items Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements seeks to: 1. Continue supporting the OIML work on implementation of the MAA (Mutual Acceptance Arrangement) and not develop a regional MAA (?); 2. Monitor ways in which APLMF member economies can participate in the OIML MAA; 3. WG Chair to provide OIML MAA implementation update report for APLMF Circular; 4. Revise/reissue(?) a questionnaire to the Members whether they are willing to accept OIML Certificates that are issued on the basis of using test data provided by manufacturers, or on other topics.

3 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Program There has been no direct request or inquiry from an APLMF Member Economy to look into a regional Mutual Recognition Arrangement. The ongoing work in implementing the OIML MAA has been the focus of the APLMF WG activity, while keeping in mind ways that all interested APLMF Member Economies might participate.

4 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 The OIML Basic Certificate System and the OIML MAA

5 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 R60 and R76 DoMCs The DoMCs related to load cells on the basis of OIML R 60, and to nonautomatic weighing instruments on the basis of OIML R 76, were signed on 29 September They were revised in December 2007 and in 2008 and again in 2009, in particular to: include new Participants; withdraw three additional national requirements from Canada; include the accreditation of NMIJ/AIST (Japan); update the testing capabilities of NMIJ/AIST (Japan); change the participation status of Australia and New Zealand.

6 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 R60 and R76 DoMCs (cont.) The Participant revisions of the DoMCs are the following: Revision 5 for the R 60 DoMC which includes the PTB (Germany) as a new Issuing Participant; Revision 7 for the R 76 DoMC which includes the PTB (Germany), NMI Certin (The Netherlands) and METAS (Switzerland) as new Issuing Participants.

7 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 R49 DoMC R 49 DoMC signed on 30 November 2007 Revised in 2009 to take into account changes in the designation of several Participants

8 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 MAA Statistics as of 25 September 2009 R 49 DoMCR 60 DoMCR 76 DoMC Participants (Issuing and Utilizing) Issuing Participants2710 MAA Certificates issued 30/09/ /09/091238

9 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 MAA – Application fees, fees for peer assessments and fees for Certificates Year Application fees (to be paid per participation in each DoMC when requesting for participation) 1590 €1620 €1650 €1680 € Peer assessments (per peer assessor day) 1500 €1530 €1560 €1590 € MAA Certificates530 €350 €358 €367 € Basic Certificates159 €350 €358 €367 € Fees indicated for 2009 to 2011 were approved at the 13th OIML Conference.

10 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 New DoMC launched: Automatic Catchweighing Instruments, based on OIML R 51 Applications are requested to be sent to the BIML by the end of November 2009.

11 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 (Imminently?) Future category for DoMC: R117/118 (Fuel Dispensers)

12 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 The BIML, at the request of manufacturers and in particular the European Association CECOD, has proposed to launch a DoMC for fuel dispensers as soon as possible based on OIML R 117-1:2007. The objective is for manufacturers to be able to obtain OIML MAA Certificates and OIML MAA Evaluation Reports which would facilitate national type approvals outside Europe.

13 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 R 117-1:2007 is not yet included in the OIML Basic Certificate System since OIML R and OIML R are under development by OIML TC 8/SC 3. But OIML R 117:1995, along with the associated OIML R 118:1995, are included in the Basic Certificate System.

14 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 In order to adequately respond to the manufacturers’ request, the BIML has proposed to launch an R 117 DoMC on the basis of OIML R 117:1995 and OIML R 118, which would include additional requirements that would come from those in OIML R 117-1:2007.

15 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Since OIML R 118 includes testing procedures and the Evaluation Report Format for fuel dispensers only, the R 117 DoMC would be limited, as a first step, to fuel dispensers.

16 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 A Resolution was submitted to the CIML (at the 2009 CIML meeting in Mombasa) for approval on this issue, since the procedure does not strictly conform to OIML B 10-1 in terms of considering additional requirements. Outcome: ??

17 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Combined CPR Meeting: A combined R 49/R 60/R 76 CPR meeting was held on 17 and 18 June 2009 at the Federal Office of Metrology METAS in Switzerland before the R 60/R 76 CPR meeting. The aim of this meeting was to discuss general issues which were independent of the categories for the implementation of the MAA. The minutes of this meeting are available on the MAA pages of the OIML web site under the heading “Documentation”.

18 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Combined CPR Meeting: The main topic discussed was the proposals to be made to OIML TC 3/SC 5 to take into account results of tests performed by manufacturers to issue OIML MAA Evaluation Reports and OIML MAA Certificates. The participants agreed that any proposal to take such tests into account should include the following considerations: to guarantee impartiality and independence of the staff in charge of testing in the manufacturer’s company; to have confidence in an independent judgment and establish appropriate procedures to avoid any conflict of interest; to ensure identification and integrity of the instrument under test.

19 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Combined CPR Meeting: Meeting participants are still considering possible approaches and language that could be included in the revision of OIML B10 and D30 (comments are due to Regine Gaucher by 30 November 2009), for consideration by OIML TC3/SC5.

20 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Combined CPR Meeting: Discussions covered tests defined and authorized by the Issuing Participant after the examination of the application, but not tests performed by the manufacturer prior to applying for OIML Certificates.

21 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 R60/R76 CPR Meeting: The R 60/R 76 CPR meeting was held after the combined R 49/R 60/R 76 CPR meeting on 19 June 2009.

22 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 R60/R76 CPR Meeting: The following main topics were discussed at the meeting: Examination of the application files of new Issuing Participants in the R 60 and R 76 DoMCs (see 1.1) and the writing of the R 60 and R 76 CPR Reports which have been circulated within all the participants in the DoMCs to decide on the final acceptance of new Issuing Participants; Validation of two new technical and metrological experts for the R 76 DoMC; Conclusions on the intermediate documentary assessment of the Issuing Participants;

23 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 R60/R76 CPR Meeting: The following main topics were also discussed at the meeting: Withdrawal of three additional national requirements from Canada; Inclusion of the accreditation of NMIJ/AIST (Japan); Update of the testing capabilities of NMIJ/AIST (Japan); Change in the participation status of Australia and New Zealand.

24 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Maintenance Process of DoMCs: The intermediate documentary assessment process for the R 60 and R 76 DoMCs started in 2007 should have been completed by the end of Some difficulties were encountered when conducting the process which led to a subsequent delay.

25 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Maintenance Process of DoMCs: The principal difficulties were: The inconsistency of information submitted to CPR Members, in particular depending on whether the testing laboratory is accredited or peer-assessed; Different accreditation cycles in the various countries even if they all fulfil ILAC Guidance; For testing laboratories accredited for a broad scope, according to the ILAC Guidance, the whole scope shall be assessed at least once within an accreditation cycle (e.g. the legal metrology scope may be assessed only once in five years).

26 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Maintenance Process of DoMCs: Proposals were made at the combined R 49/R 60/R 76 CPR meeting to improve the process and consequently modify the rules defined in OIML B 10-1 and its Amendment (2006).

27 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Maintenance Process of DoMCs: Consequently, considering the one-year delay in the intermediate documentary assessments, the R 60/R 76 CPR decided to postpone for one year the deadline for conducting the renewal of the R 60 and R 76 DoMCs. The deadline has been fixed at September 2011 instead of September 2010.

28 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Maintenance Process of DoMCs: The intermediate documentary assessment has just started for the R 49 DoMC and should be completed by May 2010.

29 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 MoU between ILAC, IAF and OIML: The joint ILAC/OIML Working Program drawn up on the basis of this MoU was revised in The updated version for 2009–2010 is available on the OIML web site under “MAA” and “Documentation”. Two specific actions may be highlighted:

30 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 MoU between ILAC, IAF and OIML: Survey organized by ILAC among Accreditation Bodies, ILAC full Members (ILAC Members who participate in the ILAC MRA) to collect information concerning how many accreditation bodies are actively accrediting organizations that are working in the fields of legal metrology covered by the OIML Declarations of Mutual Confidence. The results of this survey are available in the 2009 CIML Working Document (Clause 3.2);

31 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 Water meters (OIML R 49) Load cells (OIML R 60)NAWIs (OIML R 76) Czech Accreditation Institute (CAI), Czech Republic Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA), Poland Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia), Malaysia International Accreditation Japan (IA Japan), Japan Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS), Hong Kong, China National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA), Australia China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), People’s Republic of China National Standardization Council of Thailand – Office of the National Accreditation Council (NSC - ONAC), Thailand Organismo Argentino de Acreditacion (OAA), Argentina Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB), Ireland Finnish Accreditation Service (FINAS), Finland Norsk Akkreditering (NA), Norway Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC), Singapore Japan Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (JAB), Japan Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (SWEDAC), Sweden th CIML Meeting, Mombasa, Kenya, /88, Clause 3.2

32 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 MoU between ILAC, IAF and OIML: The survey launched by the BIML on 23 September 2009 among CIML Members and Corresponding Members to collect information concerning: countries which request accreditation of national type approval bodies, bodies responsible for initial and periodic verifications; the requirements defined for the traceability of measurements in the field of legal metrology. The results of this survey should be available by the end of January 2010.

33 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 1 OIML Certificate System Activities Planned for CD of the revision of OIML B CD of the revision of OIML B 3 (The MAA Resolutions approved at the 2008 CIML meeting have been included in these revisions.) Begin revision of OIML D 30?

34 APLMF WG on MRAs Four Work Items Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements seeks to: 1. Continue supporting the OIML work on implementation of the MAA (Mutual Acceptance Arrangement) and not develop a regional MAA (?); 2. Monitor ways in which APLMF member economies can participate in the OIML MAA; 3. WG Chair to provide OIML MAA implementation update report for APLMF Circular; 4. Revise/reissue(?) a questionnaire to the Members whether they are willing to accept OIML Certificates that are issued on the basis of using test data provided by manufacturers, or on other topics.

35 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 2 At Third R60/R76 CPR Meeting held in Tsukuba, Japan, in June, 2007, examined new candidacies for technical and metrological experts: It was confirmed to extend the possibility to submit candidates to non-MAA-participating countries, but they must be from OIML Member States or Corresponding Members. It is now possible, in principle, for someone from any country/economy to participate as a technical/metrological expert.

36 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 2 From 13 th OIML International Conference Working Document: 8.1 NEW MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY “ASSOCIATE MEMBER” Draft Resolution no. 18 A new category of OIML Membership is hereby created, called “Associate Member”. Economies may become Associate Members when they cannot legally become OIML Member States, but have set up a legal metrology infrastructure which allows them to participate in the OIML Certificate System, in the OIML MAA and/or in other future OIML certification, acceptance or recognition systems. These economies may be accepted as Associate Members by decision of the CIML President. Associate Members shall pay the same contribution as a Member State of equivalent population.

37 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 2 Outcome of Draft Resolution no. 18: Proposal was rejected (not even voted on), as a number of countries objected on the basis of this not being consistent with the OIML Convention. Possible alternatives: - Country/economy could be a subcontractor of an authority in an OIML Member State; - Country/economy could be appointed as an Issuing Authority by an OIML Member State.

38 APLMF WG on MRAs Four Work Items Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements seeks to: 1. Continue supporting the OIML work on implementation of the MAA (Mutual Acceptance Arrangement) and not develop a regional MAA (?); 2. Monitor ways in which APLMF member economies can participate in the OIML MAA; 3. WG Chair to provide OIML MAA implementation update report for APLMF Circular; 4. Revise/reissue(?) a questionnaire to the Members whether they are willing to accept OIML Certificates that are issued on the basis of using test data provided by manufacturers, or on other topics.

39 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 3 WG Chair to provide OIML MAA implementation update report for APLMF Circular: Update Report published in APLMF Circular No. 61 (Feb. 2009)

40 APLMF WG on MRAs Four Work Items Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements seeks to: 1. Continue supporting the OIML work on implementation of the MAA (Mutual Acceptance Arrangement) and not develop a regional MAA (?); 2. Monitor ways in which APLMF member economies can participate in the OIML MAA; 3. WG Chair to provide OIML MAA implementation update report for APLMF Circular; 4. Revise/reissue(?) a questionnaire to the Members whether they are willing to accept OIML Certificates that are issued on the basis of using test data provided by manufacturers, or on other topics.

41 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 4 Draft “APLMF Survey on Mutual Recognition Arrangements” was developed and first circulated to WG Chairpersons for their inputs in Survey was then finalized and sent to APLMF Secretariat, who distributed the Survey to APLMF Member Economies in March, 2008.

42 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 4 Replies were received by the Secretariat from six APLMF Member Economies, with three of them submitting completed Survey forms. Secretariat later submitted Survey responses to WG on MRA Chairperson, who provided summary at last year’s WG and APLMF meeting.

43 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 4 Membership of WG3 was expanded: Chuck Ehrlich, Chairman Adrian Caster Grahame Harvey Han Jianping Yoshi Matsumoto Steve O’Brian Akira Ooiwa

44 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Item 4 Proposed Work Program for next year (2009 – 2010):

45 APLMF WG on MRAs Work Items Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements seeks to: 1. Continue supporting the OIML work on implementation of the MAA (Mutual Acceptance Arrangement) and not develop a regional MAA (?); 2. Monitor ways in which APLMF member economies can participate in the OIML MAA; 3. WG Chair to provide OIML MAA implementation update report for APLMF Circular; 4. Revise/reissue(?) a questionnaire to the Members whether they are willing to accept OIML Certificates that are issued on the basis of using test data provided by manufacturers, or on other topics.