Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research 2010 Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research Assessment Review Committee Report HCAS – Undergrad Programs NAME DATE Institutional Planning, Assessment, and Research
Mentoring/Review Process Committee Selection & Composition –Chair –1 Assoc. Dean –Faculty UAC’s representing each of the broad areas natural science & math social sciences, humanities –Susan BF Organizational Meetings Shared Piratedrive folder Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Component Data DevelopingAcceptableProficient Outcome Means of Assessment Criteria for Success Results Actions Taken Follow-Up to Actions Taken Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Data Visualization Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Best Practices – “Closing the Loop” Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Best Practices – “Closing the Loop” Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Substantive Changes Program/Unit: Biochemistry (BS) Description of Changes: –Outcome: Collaborates effectively in diverse groups to promote successful outcomes. –New direct MOA:...Students work in lab groups of 2 or 3, which are assigned by the instructor to ensure diversity. Each student grades his/her peers' participation ( from 1 to 5) using a rubric provided by the instructor during the final laboratory period. The instructor, using the same rubric, scores each student's group participation. These two scores are averaged to provide a final participation score Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Substantive Changes Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Substantive Changes Justification for Changes: –Provides a direct MOA for institutional learning outcome Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Rubric and Review Process Feedback Feedback on the rubric and review process. –What worked for your ARC Face to face sessions Opportunity to increase faculty AASS (i.e., “Assessment Awareness Scaled Score”) – What difficulties were encountered? Rubric criteria open to interpretation Maintaining reviewer consistency Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Rubric and Review Process Feedback contd. Describe your ARC’s process and progress towards addressing comments for “developing” and “acceptable” components received in the 2013 assessment review. –Bringing chairs back in Assessment orientation sessions for Chairs Chair review and sign-off –Follow up with recalcitrant departments –Meetings with individual UAC’s to address questions Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Preparations for Notice to all UAC’s –Importance of correct “actions taken” –Specific example Dean’s strategy meeting Call for ‘interim reports’ on Actions Taken Series of workshops held throughout April –Handouts showing new format –Tracdat screenshots –Table with positive and negative examples Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research