The Challenge of Risk Management : Justice Department Seminar The Risk Management Authority April 2007
A holistic approach “..the purpose of ensuring the effective assessment and minimisation of risk” Risk as a fundamental principle Developing an evidence base Placing risk management in a social context Defining responsibilities Targeting resources
The challenges High expectations Achieving an integrated, strategic approach Turning legislation into effective practice Multi-agency liaison and information sharing Professional boundaries Operational constraints
The RMA...who, what? A centre of best practice in risk assessment and management Established in 2004, following the MacLean Committee report on serious sexual and violent offenders An NDPB sponsored by the SE Justice Department
The Role of the RMA Advice on policy Accreditation and approval Research and training
The OLR risk criteria “..that the nature of, or the circumstances of the commission of, the offence of which the convicted person has been found guilty either in themselves or as part of a pattern of behaviour are such as to demonstrate that there is a likelihood that he, if at liberty, will seriously endanger the lives, or physical or psychological well-being, of members of the public at large.” Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003
Risk management : offender management Needs assessment Risk screening & monitoring Specialist assessment and risk management Assessment & supervision of stable & dynamic risk
Policy advisory role The National Advisory Body for Offender Management and the National Strategy SE working parties in justice, health and education Parliamentary evidence and hearings
Research Reviews –Risk assessment and management, internet offending, violence, young offenders Validation studies –RM2000, RSVP Original research –Dynamic factors in psychopathy
Multimodal training strategy and module development Risk of harm assessment (July 2007) Risk of harm CDRom (Autumn 2007) LSCMI (End May 2007) Elements of effective risk management practice (October 2007) CPD and best practice seminars and events
Evidence-based best practice Risk Assessment Standards and Guidelines Risk Assessment Tool Evaluation Directory (RATED) Risk Management Standards and Guidelines
Standardised risk assessment report format
Accreditation/Approval Accreditation Scheme Persons and manners for purposes of assessment for the Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) Competency criteria Accredited assessor register Approval of risk management plans
One of our RMA Accredited Assessors: Dr Raj Darjee BSc(Hons) MB ChB MRCPsych. MPhil. Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist
Standards & Guidelines for Risk Management Version 1 April 2006
Risk management standards Collaborative working Risk assessment Risk formulation Risk management strategies Accommodation Responding to change Organisational support
Monitoring Supervision Intervention Victim safety planning Risk management strategies
Lessons learnt Clarity of purpose Consultation on strategic issues A process fit for purpose Awareness of different cultures Implications for training Facilitate access
Collaborative working police social work prisons parole board publicmediaresearchNHSjudiciarypoliticians Offender