Ms. Deutch’s Classroom Procedures
Beginning Class Walk in respectfully and have a seat Get out assignment (if due) Look on board for instructions Wait for Ms. Deutch to begin class If you have an eligibility card or a progress report card, turn them into the box on the corner of my desk and I will try and get them back to you by the end of the hour.
During Instruction Eye contact with teacher Take notes You are expected to participate, ask and answer questions
Everyone contributes Learn from each other Use class time wisely Individual grades
End of Period Pick up around your area Throw away any trash, regardless of owner Dismissed by Ms. Deutch, not the bell
Homework Daily homework will not be unusual Will be completed on time Turn in your best work Extra credit will be available sparingly if ever. Please don’t ask! If you are absent…. It is YOUR responsibility to get your homework. The assignments will be available on the web backpack.
Homework Cont. For absent work: –You will have two days to makeup your absent work if it is an excused absence. Unexcused absences will be zeroes. –It is your responsibility to get the work that you missed. It will be on the web backpack. –Do not come to me during class to find out what you missed. Come before or after school. –When you turn in your absent work, have the date you were absent and the date you are turning your work in at the top of the page.
Supplies Daily: pen, pencil, paper, current text Keep all handouts from class No extra copies given Handouts from class will be posted on website
In your seat at bell = on time NOT in seat at bell = tardy No leaving for drink/restroom Appropriate language Respect yourself, others, and teacher
Teacher Expectations Reasonable length for assignments Frequent feedback Approachable—ask me anything! Timely grading