CPD for Business Leaders Jo Riley Project Manager, LMW
Aims of workshop Think about how we communicate the benefits of CPD Think about how we can encourage learners to invest in CPD Practical ideas that YOU and LMW can implement to increase awareness and demand for CPD
Who are LMW? LMW’s mission: “To create an environment where every business in Wales is aware of, understands, engages with and can benefit from leadership and management development (LMD)”
1.Raising awareness of the benefits of LMD, explaining and promoting LMD in ways which are appropriate and meaningful to businesses of all sizes and in all sectors 2.Positioning LMW as Wales’ one-stop-shop for all LMD information and resource 3.Providing evidence of the impact of LMD on individual businesses and the economy more widely 4.Making the LMD in Wales the best it can be
What is CPD?
CPD courses are a range of short and long training programmes for learners already in work who are undertaking the course for the purposes of professional development/upskilling/workforce development (HE definition)
CPD is a combination of approaches, ideas and techniques that will help you manage your own learning and growth (CIPD definition)
CPD = Lifelong Learning But do we promote it like this?
“You can be a leader/manager with absolutely no proof of competence for the role”
There is no formal CPD framework for non professionals But are there any benefits to CPD?
Benefits of CPD to the individual Builds confidence and credibility - learners can see their progression by tracking their learning Earn more by showcasing achievements - a handy tool for appraisals Achieve career goals by focussing on training and development Cope positively with change by constantly updating skill set Be more productive and efficient by reflecting on your learning and highlighting gaps in your knowledge and experience
Benefits of CPD to the organisation Helps maximise staff potential by linking learning to actions and theory to practice Helps HR professionals to set objectives for training activity to be more closely linked to business needs Promotes staff development - leads to better staff morale Adds-value, by encouraging reflection it will help staff to consciously apply learning to their role and the organisation’s development Opportunity to link to appraisals - a good tool to help employees focus their achievements throughout the year
And more importantly How can we encourage businesses/leaders/learners to invest in CPD? and especially the CPD that you are offering…
Ideas LMW has a “learning & development” section on our website – welcome input on content LMW & NTFW undertaking a research project - an investigation into the barriers of leadership and management development within micro organisations pan Wales
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