Radio frequency identification (RFID) Opportunities for mobile telecommunication services ______________ ______________
Outline 1.What is RFID? How RFID works, Current Applications, Booming Markets, Constraints 2.RFID and standardization Key players, Need for standardization, Suggestions for ITU-T ’ s SGs 3.RFID and mobile telecommunication Definition, Application Scenarios, Near Field Communications 4.Conclusion
What is RFID? How RFID works (1) Main components: tags, antenna, readers Tags: –Size ( Hitachi’s "µ-chip": 0.4mm x 0.4mm) Rs –Price (aim: Rs. 5 - tag) –active passive (difference in range) Readers: –stationary mobile What to do with the data? Middleware
What is RFID? How RFID works (2)
What is RFID? Examples of Current Applications (1) o Transport and logistics: toll management, tracking of goods Security and access control tracking people (students etc.), control access to restricted areas o Supply chain management: item tagging, theft-prevention o Medical and pharmaceutical applications: identification and location of staff and patients, asset tracking, counterfeit protection for drugs
What is RFID? Examples of Current Applications (2) o Manufacturing and processing: streamlining assembly line processes o Agriculture: tracking of animals, quality control o Public sector: passports, driver’s licenses, counterfeit protection for bank notes, library systems
What is RFID? Booming markets o Analysts: tremendous market-growth o Problem: estimates vs. guesstimates (remarkable differences in market volume, growth rates) o Frost & Sullivan: 11.7 billion USD (2010) Research and Markets: 3.8 billion USD (2011) IDTechEx: billion USD (2015)
What is RFID? Constraints (1) o Pricing: ( Rs.5 - tag) o Standards landscape o Security and privacy issues: consumers, policy makers, researchers
What is RFID? Constraints (2)
RFID and standardization Some key players o UN specialized agencies ICAO, ITU, UPU o Global and regional standards developing organizations (SDOs) ISO, ETSI o Private forums: EPCglobal o State driven initiatives Trai, Tec etc
RFID and standardization Need for standardization o Standardization needed: Air Interface, Protocols Data Stuctures Conformance Applications o Existing RFID standards lack: Harmonization Global acceptance Cross-sector perspective Interoperability
RFID and standardization o Mobile RFID technologies (detailed in this presentation) o Privacy/Security issues o Impact of RFID on networks o Internetworking Technologies o RFID-Ipv6 mapping issues
RFID and mobile telecommunication Definition o Services that provide information on objects equipped with an RFID tag over a telecommunication network o New idea: Tags: stationary Readers: in mobile phone -> mobile o Applications possible where the mobile phone is equipped with tag AND reader
RFID and mobile telecommunication Application scenarios o Information retrieval o Data transmission o Automated messaging o Voice services o Device integration o Presence indication o Mobile payment
RFID and mobile telecommunication Near Field Communication o Short-range communication protocol (ISO/IEC standard) o Near Field Communication (NFC) Forum: driven by Nokia, Philips and Sony o NFC-enabled phones available
Conclusion o Mobile phones + RFID = great potential o Field trials: only recently -> search for "Killer application " o Standardization: " All star approach " o Important topics include: Privacy/Security issues Impact of RFID on networks Internetworking Technologies RFID-Ipv6 mapping issues
All facts and figures – courtesy - ITU
RFID – Revolution or Evolution ? Technology relying on RF transponders to automatically retrieve data remotely using RF signals Active RFID elements use their own power source to send data Passive RFID elements use power from readers to activate Presently four main frequency bands used in RFID systems Low Frequency band: 125/134 KHz High Frequecy band: MHz Ultra High Frequency band: MHz Microwave band: GHz RFID typically imbedded in miniscule ASICs attached to objects to be tracked RF readers detect the signals to be processed and networked