Organising for decent work Andy Snoddy - UNI Global Union October 2013
Organising it’s what we do
Power Organising is about: Shifting the balance of power in a workplace Having high levels of active members Winning issues
The Organising Cycle Organise to Win4 OrganisingCycle ISSUE 70% Listening 30% Talking Widely felt Deeply Felt Winnable ORGANISATION Building Staff reps/workplace leaders/Branch committee Communication Mobilise around issue Test Leaders Map Workers EDUCATION Flexible How Trade Unions Solve Issues ACTION Collective Action
5 Leverage Campaign Mapping Employer Politicians Suppliers Vendors Competitors Customers Owners Shareholders Directors Civil Society Media Workers Unions & GUFs Financial Institutions Parent Company Subsidiaries Middle Management Govt & Regulators
Future Positive Potential for strategic sectoral campaigns
Future Positive Use of effective leverage campaigns