Revision Workshop A.R.M.S.
A dd R emove M ove S ubstitute
What does that mean? A dd= details and literary devices R emove= repeats & pronouns M ove= simple sentences to complex and compound structures S ubstitute= simple words for more rich vocabulary
Add After reading each sentence, or clause ask yourself to explain that idea further Add specific sensory details Facts/evidence/opinions Imagery, snapshots Answer HOW and WHY Other literary devices
She is so nice. She is the type of person to pick up trash, even if she wasn’t responsible for throwing it on the ground. No matter what happens to her at school, she doesn’t take out her frustration on her little sister at home. On Wednesdays, Amy volunteers at the nursing home before going home for the night.
Remove Pronouns often leave your reader confused… “They”- who are you talking about “Those or Them” – what…? “It”- tell me what “it” is! “I” is acceptable if you are writing a letter or a conclusion
MOVE Move away from always using simple sentences… try using complex and compound sentence variations. EX: –Parents should not be able to choose their child’s spouse, because they may choose someone who their child has nothing in common with. – Parents may be able to decide many things for their children, a spouse isn’t one of them.
Substitute Substitute boring, simple words for diction that is more rich and complex! –Hint: use a thesaurus ! EX: –She is pretty. = –Her eyes are mesmerizingly alluring.