Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco
Introduction: Why do Teens start using tobacco? How has the image of smoking changed over the years? What are some of the health risks?
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Section Objectives: -Identify three factors that influence teens decisions about tobacco use. -Describe the various forms of tobacco products.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Why Teens Use Tobacco -Consider the changes in our culture- -Where can individuals smoke? -What age can you legally use tobacco products? (see Youth Tobacco Act on Moodle)
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Beginning May 1, 2010, smoking is prohibited in most public places in Michigan. The law will cover any workplace and any food service establishment. This law covers public places, including, but not limited to, restaurants, bars, shopping malls, bowling alleys, concert halls, arenas, museums, mechanic shops, health facilities, nursing homes, education facilities, and child care centers. Changes in law regarding public smoking.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Despite all of the health warning, some people do start using tobacco. Why? Friends, family and the media greatly influence whether someone starts to use tobacco.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Influence of Friends -Most people who became addicted to tobacco start using it during their teens. Friends are an import influence. -Consider the peer pressure of both sides of this issue. Teens smoke to fit in. Or Teens don’t smoke because their friends help them resist the temptation.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Influence of Family Studies have soon that children of smokers are more likely to smoke, even of their parents try to discourage them. Why do you think this is the case?
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Influence of Media Anti-tobacco advertising on television, in magazines or in other media may influence your decision to not smoke. Tobacco companies are still trying to sell their product. Review the new few visuals what gets your attention? What would influence you?
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco
The advertising of tobacco products on radio and television has been banned for over 30 years. In the 1990’s, further regulations were placed on tobacco advertising. Ads could not placed by schools or feature cartoon-like characters to appeal to children.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Despite all these regulations, tobacco companies still find ways to promote their products. -advertise on web sites -promote where cigarettes are sold -direct mailings -sponsor events and offer give aways
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Tobacco Products Tobacco products are made from the dried, proceeded leaves of tobacco plants. Tobacco plants naturally produce a chemical that acts as an insecticide to protect the plants from insects. This insecticide is nicotine, a very addictive chemical in tobacco products.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco In it’s pure liquid form nicotine is extremely poisonous. -each year thousands of young children are poisoned by eating cigarettes and cigars. -Tobacco users are not immediately poisoned by nicotine because only a small amount enters the body at a time.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Products that are smoked: -Cigarettes- cured and shredded tobacco rolled in paper -Bidis-from India, tobacco wrapped in a leaf and tied with a string -Kreteks-from Indonesia, a clove/ tobacco cigarette -Cigar & Pipe tobacco is less processed than cigarette tobacco. Usually contains more nicotine.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco No matter how tobacco is burned, cancer- causing chemicals and other harmful substances are produced.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Smokeless Tobacco -Tobacco that is chewed, placed between your lower lip and teeth, or sniffed. -Contains many of the same harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke, including nicotine. Chewing tobacco- consists of poor-quality, ground tobacco leaves mixed with flavorings, preservatives, and other chemicals.
Health Ch. 16 Tobacco Section 1 Teens & Tobacco Snuff- finely ground, powered tobacco. It may be used like Chewing tobacco or sniffed up the nose.