The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) The key and only legislation completely focused on the marine environment Clear ecosystem based thinking Added values: connect to other laws where they left of (the coast, estuaries etc) Puts high focus on existing cooperation and coordination such as HELCOM
Key parts of MSFD “good environmental status [GES] means the environmental status of marine waters where these provide ecologically diverse and dynamic oceans and seas which are clean, healthy and productive within their intrinsic conditions,…” Article 3.5 “ Good environmental status shall be determined at the level of the marine region or subregion as referred to in Article 4, on the basis of the qualitative descriptors in Annex I…” Article 3.5 GES? Descriptor? GES and indicator? Targets?
MS have been obliged to: Assess the status today in marine waters art 8 Define and set GES for 11 areas (descriptors!) art 9 Set targets to reach GES art 10 Present indicators to measure progress towards targets art 10 Example of a problem or confusion: ”Reduction of marine litter”= GES? Answer: NO, its a target among others to reach GES on marine litter and NOT GES. An indicator in this case could be amount of beach litter. Key parts of MSFD
-Or put in another way: Key parts of MSFD Point of departure: Initial Assessment How to get there: Targets Measure progress: Indicators There are problems in all steps…
2015 – two important processes A) The implementation phase last stages of first cycle of the MSFD B) Commission led review of MSFD supporting documents and guidelines
So where are we? Conclusions Baltic MS Low ambitions and poor quality in almost all cases – not fulfiling expectations of MSFD-ambitions Surprisingly HELCOM targets and goals often not included. HELCOM agreed targets and indicators should be mimimum standard Lack of coherent view for most of 4 descriptors (span between countries too big)
A) What is next? Finalize Program of Measures (PoM) by 2015 NGOs must get involved to push MS nationally to improve: - revisit GES and update directly into PoM - set new additional targets and indicators - use NGO priorities from 2014 to both push and “check” the MS work - refocus on a fewer and main issues that must be addressed and communicate this - following feed back from Commission 2014: has the MS work improved?
CCB priority areas in MSFD (descriptors) Biodiversity, fisheries, eutrophication and litter (D1, D3, D5 and D10) Overall demand: -stay coherent across regions -commit to develop and use joint definitions and indicators via be further developed in May workshop..
Summary of NGO demands for measures MPAs improve mangagement and coverage of important marine habitats New action and protection of harbour porpoise – new science is here! All fish stocks fished below Fmsy to reach strong biomass levels Enforce or put into place binding legislation (e.g.HELCOM) for nutrient balanced fertilization. Introduce mandatory annual nutrient accounting/bookkeeping (N and P) at farm level, to account for balanced fertilization.
Summary of NGO demands for measures Ban at EU level plastic micro beads in personal care products and other uses Develop harmonised and regionally coordinated monitoring schemes for marine litter and its impact. Funding for research to close the knowledge gaps on litter: including sources, pathways, and effects on ecosystems and organisms.
B) MSFD review process ? A process in 3 phases: 1.Technical phase 2.Political phase 3.Formal Commission review decision phase
B) MSFD review process ? 1.Technical phase: close to finalisation now. NGOs across EU has worked jointly to respond to consultations, attend WS etc. Main elements of NGO comments focus on improving established of GES not accepting removal of important parts/indicators an improving science where needed.
B) MSFD review process ? 2. Political phase: Next step to get real opinions and input from MS (also other stakeholders) on possible elements etc to change or not. Start in May on end 2015? This phase will determine and show the willingness of MS to improve the MSFD work, AND to accept a Common Understanding to avoid the possibilities of free interpretations of what GES is etc.
B) MSFD review process ? 3. Formal Commission review decision phase: The final stage where COM will decide if there is scope of review or not and what they intend to change at all, if anything.. Key focus is to make sure the Commission “holds the line” and stick to original intentions of MSFD.
Thanks and no questions please… Thanks and no questions please…