Since 1972 The 1 st EAP ( ) was decided The first community-wide ENV policy Need for comprehensive assessment of the impacts of other policies in an effort to avoid damaging activities Optimism prevailed, but frustration resulted Research oriented on defining the objectives, criteria Based on the protection of single environmental media (water, air, soil etc.)
In the 2 nd ( ) follow-up of the 1 st EAP Quality values for water and air Economic recession ( , ) made ENV policy unachievable Framework directives for water and air and waste DG XI(environment) are newly separated from DG for industry in 1981
3 rd ( ) and 4 th ( ) EAPs related to the completion of the Internal Market ◦ Environmental emission standards to be harmonized to avoid distortions to industry competitiveness ◦ Product regulations (not to be a NTB) Shift from a quality approach to an emission- oriented approach-formulating emission limit value Clean-air policies and noise and risk management for industrial sites. ◦ Strong emission control policies pushed by Germany and others
1987 is a turning point. Why? ◦ ENV received its own chapter in the treaty (Single European Act) ◦ Existing rules and principles are reflected A “high level of harmonization” is necessary. How high? Why? ◦ Objective of the Internal market vs. environmental protection A shift in approach ◦ From (media) quality objectives to more integrated approach ◦ ENV Protection not an additive, but as an integrated activity within the whole production process
Sectoral approach considered Ideas of Incentive based instruments (taxes, subsidies or tradable permits) discussed newly Paradigmatic change in ENV POL! What, Why? ◦ SD, a normative reference for ENV POL since 1990s ◦ Win-win ◦ A new development model, the White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness, and Employment (CEC 1993)
Other external factors for such change 1) Climate change issue => The end of pipe approach no more applicable ◦ Need for long-term approach, structural change (new patterns in prod & consumption), multi-sectoral approach in CO2 emission control, and integrated efficient technology 2) The EU’s new leadership in international negotiation 3) call for market-based instruments (based on neo-liberal wave) : taxes, subsidies, tradable permits vs “command & control” 4) wave of environmentalism in Europe; green parties, NGO capabilities improved.
Aim at SD after the Brundtland Report Sectoral approach focused vs the end of pipe approach Market based instruments such as fiscal incentives or voluntary instruments Concensus-oriented approach, role of NGOs and local and regional authorities Medium- and long-term objectives == a policy oriented towards “ecological structural change”
Since 1992 UNCED, downward cycle of environmental policies The competitiveness of industries and decentralization of ENV POL were raised Energy/CO2 tax finally rejected as a Community tax in 1994 Ambitious directives modified and delayed Nations demanded to re-nationalize ENV POLs according to the subsidiary principle Reasons for Roll-back: the limits to European integration in ENV POLs. 1) overly optimistic 2)the pending econ crisis made members reluctant to accept overall structural change
different, partially contradictory trends in policies “Sustainability” as a community target, in Cardiff process The revival of environmental legislation in the late 1990s ◦ New complex and holistic framework legislation ◦ Revision and modernization of the programs ◦ Introduction of new ENV POL Instruments ◦ Strengthening civil society rights, NGOs The three Aarhus pillars?
Thematic strategies on key issues (themes) ◦ Pesticides, resources, recycling, soils, the urban environment, the marine environment, and clean air etc. Cooperative approach with industries ◦ Integrated product policies, VAs, wider use of standardization of ENV POLs, etc ◦ Focus on private and public professionals’ roles ◦ Insufficient funds ◦ Problems about Implementations of such programs-> NATO? See page 252, the article by Cong Fu ◦ SD refocused, Lisbon Agenda
Stakeholder consultation process in evaluation and modification of ENV POLs