Gender equality: context The principle of gender equality does not exist in many cultures: now central in western culture but recent, started about 150 years ago and accelerated a generation ago) It must be sensitively promoted respecting different cultures or it may be resisted by both women and men: may also destroy existing social safety nets Consequences of systematic inequality of women: Dependence makes them more vulnerable if family disrupted Opportunities to increase family income and to direct more of it towards wellbeing are lost Imbalance of power is bad for everybody
Gender equality: issues Poverty reduction measures can be more effective if directed towards women Favouring employment of women in low cost road contruction is effective In the longer run, their employment can promote greater equality in rural areas:
Gender equality in roadworks Equality on worksites is effective: More of their income goes to family welfare Access to larger workforce when labour is scarce They may even be harder workers Easier on labour-based sites Negative perceptions of womens’ involvement must be be changed to promote equality
Gender equality: actions Focus on womens’ participation at the planning stage (social animation) Implement non-discriminatory recruitment procedures Organize work to favour womens’ daily and seasonal availability Insist on equal pay and supervise wage payments (important for all workers) Promote womens’ ownership of small enterprises