Enterprise Use Cases CCB December 10, 2008
Agenda Enterprise Use Case Status Report Enterprise Use Case Artifacts Enterprise Use Case Development Process Next Steps
Use Case Inventory Enterprise Use Case Development Dashboard Legend
Standard enterprise use case package components Each Enterprise Use Case will have a complete Use Case Template detailing the following: 1.0Background - one half to one page summary Overview of the use case Unmet medical/biological needs How this case represents an instance of the new care/research paradigm Listing of the translational "touchpoints" between disciplines 2.0Detailed use case description Relevant actors, classes of data and flows Conventional use case components: Storyboards, Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams 3.0Reusable components and related materials Existing caBIG tools, data sets, etc. that can be utilized to support the use case Non-caBIG tools, data sets, methods, etc. that can be utilized to support the use case 4.0Gap analysis Tools, data, workflows, etc. that are required to fill gaps in the use case Groups within the program and within NCI that would need to participate in use-case realization
How use cases integrate with development and budget decisions Portfolio projects by domain: Maintenance integration points Rearchitecture integration points Current new projects Cutting edge projects Enterprise Use Cases Defined Artifacts Review with community (WS, CDLs, etc.) Legend Associated symbol denotes participation in activity CC-Team CATComposite Architecture Teams WSDomain Workspaces Integration with Enterprise BAM BAM Integration points highlighted Key integration points by WS WS Approve/ Release Budget C Review/Approve Portfolio Prioritization Requirements Document CAT C CAT WS Portfolio Analysis Prioritization of Integration Points Guidelines Goals C CAT WS CAT WS Enterprise Use Case Development Portfolio Analysis and Prioritization
Next Steps December 2008: Roll out use case definition, artifacts and process to workspaces. End December Mid-January 2009: Work with each workspace to build a plan outlining the completion of the use case artifacts for each use case with the workspaces. End January 2009: Prioritize integration points from two current enterprise use cases and work with the CAT to determine portfolio fit and prioritization. Next CCB report mid-January 2009.
Appendix Summary Appendix A: Use Case Inventory By Workspace Detailed inventory of workspace use case status, including: Originating workspace Enterprise Business Architecture Model (BAM) integration status Use case artifact development status (artifacts including: use case template, storyboards, actors, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams) Appendix B: Enterprise Use Case Artifacts: Translational Research Use Case (Sample Package) Enterprise Use Case Template Actor Diagram Activity Diagram
Appendix A: Use Case Inventory By Workspace
Enterprise Use Case Template Appendix B: Enterprise Use Case Artifacts: Translational Research Use Case
Actor DiagramActivity Diagram Use case specifications with roles and responsibilities distributed across swim lanes Actors with specified functional roles and responsibilities Appendix B: Enterprise Use Case Artifacts: Translational Research Use Case